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I Want To Be Sprayed By A Skunk

Being a skunk spray lover can be socially difficult. Especially since you need to find skunks out in public someplace, somewhere, and when sprayed need to find a way home, or to clean up before getting home. There is also the thrill of being sprayed, like being marked with scent that sticks to you for weeks if untreated. But then to actually see a skunk in the wild, would you go and get sprayed?

Perhaps you live in an apartment building, meaning that cleanup would be difficult as you might not want to annoy neighbours with your new perfume you are wearing. Or there is no public showers in the park open at that time of night to use the peroxide formula in, or, perhaps no privacy at all to use the formula out in the area sprayed.

Or, perhaps you only love the potent strength on your pet freshly sprayed and it turns out that is more socially accepted than you being sprayed. Then again you get second-hand spraying as the oils in the fur transfer to you!

Of course if you live out in a remote area with neighbours so far away form you, then that would be different. If you work from home, why clean up? Now that would be a dream come true. Be skunky daily wearing nature's all-natural perfume for days, or weeks.
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Bungeeskunk · 51-55, M
I was sprayed early in life and it was a positive experience for me, so as a result, today it is a reminder of being a kid sprayed. Yup, disgusting for most of the population, but to me, it is powerful, but I can tolerate it.
SkunkedForLIfe · 41-45, M
That's how I live my life. I'm always skunked. I always reek to high heaven :)
lifty4ever · 26-30, M
why does everyone here lash out for no reason? let us be. This is OUR community. If you dont like it don't read it
Carissimi · F
I would seek mental counselling.
Tybron · 41-45, M
10% of Americans polled secretly enjoy the scent of skunk. It's got a lot of pheromones and not all thiols are malodorous (see: grapefruits). So you're making a pretty broad judgment to say anyone who enjoys skunk scent must be insane and need therapy.
It's trolling shit like this that's really putting me off this site. It was supposed to be an offshoot of Experience Project (where likeminded people supported each other), but there's just way too much hatemongering and negativity.

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