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I Think Life Jackets Are So Sexy On Men And Women

Hello everyone - being into lifejackets is a quirk I'm very glad to have - although it's unusual and probably weird to many people, to me it can be an ex<x>pression of love and positivity because it's about enjoying seeing your loved one (or anyone) in a situation of safety. The first time my wife and I wore them together was when we hired a boat on Windemere. Those were the waistcoat type of jacket but the first really powerful experience we had of them was on a speedboat trip in South Wales on which we wore the Crewsaver Airfoam jackets that some others here have singled out as favourites. I'll never forget watching my lovely wife slip it over her head - then I helped her fasten it, though with it being my first time too I wasn't sure how! Then it was so wonderful to see my dainty wife looking so safe in her bulky jacket. Two of my favourite photos of her are from that day - one on the boat, with the orange lifejacket collar pressed against her beautiful face, the other later on in a restaurant, with her looking so elegant in an evening dress. She's in the same pose on both, looking at the camera side-on, and she looks equally happy in both! So I'll always associate that type of lifejacket with safety, happiness and excitement.

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