Okay, it's confession time. I've never played Dark Souls 1. Nor have I beaten 2 or 3. Maybe some of you will be like "play it" or "you're not a fan." Even, "git gud" but do you really have to play and beat a game to be a fan?
I've watched lets plays and watched countless lore videos about the series. I love the world of dark souls from Anor Londo, painted worlds in between, Irithyll and the ringed city. I love the world building and I think it's truly amazing, from the character she that are so vastly different from each other, their meanings and the enemies and bossses. I love the rich lore on the item descriptions and theories of what it could all mean. The epic music that only plays during fights. The scenery, the exploration, everything about dark souls is cool.
I could go on and on about what I love about this series, but the series isn't perfect. Nothing is, but Dark Souls will always be remembered by me. Can I be a fan without playing the games and beating them? Or am I nothing, more than embers seeking the flames?
I know this confession is probably a death sentence to you hardcore arrogant fans out there, but no matter what I will always love the series even if I never pick up a game. No one can change that, unless I get amnesia.