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I Have Too Much Stuff

Why are there so many stories here by just one group member? Nevermind, just curious.

I came here to say I have too much stuff. That's the name of the group, after all.

Been fighting to get rid of extra stuff for decades. I refuse to give up.

Truth is I'd rather put it off than get down to work on it and that's why I still have too much stuff. Maybe.

Could be fear.

I fear I'll get rid of the wrong things..

Well, still not going to give up.

I hate all this clutter.
Doomflower · 41-45, M
Diogenes comes to mind whenever I think of downsizing. Legend has it for the longest time his only possession aside from the clothes on his back was a wooden bowl he used for drinking. Then one day he saw a child lie down and scoop water into their mouth with their hands. Diogenes realized he didn't really need the bowl and promptly threw it away.
Puzzler · 61-69, F
@Doomflower Well, THAT really tells me I have too much stuff!!
I'm in the process of moving. I'm quickly learning I have way too much stuff.
Puzzler · 61-69, F
@SooperSarah I had way too much stuff last time we moved, but, NOW.., it has been almost 23 years since we've moved and stuff just piles up everywhere. We have several really scary closets..
TheConstantGardener · 56-60, M
I'm gradually and methodically paring down my stuff. Maybe I'll just end up with the clothes I have on.

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