I don’t know if you’ve ever felt the joy of loneliness. The peace of not being hurried up. Or told what to do. Where you don’t have to worry about what someone is thinking. Or if you are bothering them too. I don’t know if you’ve ever felt the joy of loneliness. Where you aren’t scared, wondering if your visitor will now go to acquaintances and criticize your every which way. Where nothing is embarrassing, because there is no one to impress, no image to uphold, no fear of betrayal, no pity, or scorn. You need to, have you, would you, you should, could you, if you want, I want, do you want, turn it down, where is my, it doesn’t go here, we’re late, you’re slow, hurry up, you don’t understand, you’re stubborn, you’re a(n)____________, he (she) is such a _____________ right?, do you agree?, what makes you think you’re right? It is so alleviating to hear that no more. The chatter, the never ending complaints, the criticism. I don’t know if you’ve ever felt the joy of loneliness. Yet it is as soothing as you could never imagine, unless you experience it.