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I Am An Mra

Lies and more lies about "death threats".......

"Within 24 hours after launching a Fund Anything campaign titled “Campaign for Free Speech” A Voice for Men reached their $25,000 goal. The donations are intended to cover the unexpected costs of two 2-million dollar insurance policies and a twenty-four hour police presence during the event required by the Double Tree Hilton who is hosting the upcoming International Men’s Rights Conference in Detroit MI.

On Friday of last week Paul Elam of A Voice for Men received a letter from the hotel reporting threats of violence and property destruction if the conference commenced. Out of concerns for their guests and employees they required A Voice for Men, on very short notice, to accommodate them with insurance policy and police protection.

“The threats have escalated to include death threats, physical violence against our staff and other guests as well as damage to the property. The callers have indicated that they will be stationed within the hotel as guests which raises our level of concern.” states the letter.

“We take these threats seriously and for the protection of our staff and guests, Under Section 8 of the Agreement we may require you to provide, at your expense and in our discussion,adequate security in light of the nature of your event.”

There were 249 donors and the average contribution to the fundraiser was just over $100 with the majority of contributions being $50 or less. The final donation that met the $25,000 goal was $500 given by AVFM’s own Alison Tieman of Honey Badger Radio and was submitted 22 hours after the start of the campaign. At this writing, donations continue to pour in, as the fundraiser will continue to run for 30 more days to cover any further security needed if threats escalate further, with any remainder to be used to help fund the next conference.

Staff at AVFM are celebrating this stunning success.

“No one should underestimate the importance of this accomplishment. Raising this amount of money in such a short period of time is a strong message in itself. The MHRM is here to stay and we aren’t fooling around.” said Jack Barnes, host of AVFM Radio’s new “Blue Collar Red Pill” radio show.

“To be honest, I expected us to get very close to the goal from the first 24 hours. The level of work that was put in by all the AVFM Staff and the general mobilization were absolutely amazing. There was just no way we wouldn’t pull this off. Feminists are on the wrong side of history and common sense, and support for free speech is not dead yet. In fact, it’s getting more alive than ever as the feminist establishment cracks more and more.” said Lucian Valsan, European News Director and AVFM Director of Multisite Operations.

“I am proud to have been part of this effort.”

“Janet Bloomfield and I started on a Friday night and over that weekend, with the help of Al Martin and about two dozen MRAs around the globe, created a video that shook the world,” said AVfM Operations Manager Dean Esmay. “This was the turning point, the Waterloo of the Gender Ideologue Establishment. They will know now that hatred and lies about who we are and what we represent will no longer work, laughing at us will no longer work, and blowing clouds of smoke will never work. And as a bonus, the City of Detroit gets a badly-needed shot in the arm. A win all around–except for the professional haters.”

“Protestors who may have just been misguided and not realized who we really are and what we really stand for still may wish to call us to promote peaceful dialogue,” added Esmay.

The fundraiser will continue, likely helping the organization to cement the Men’s Human Rights Movement’s place in the national and international dialogue on gender issues."

Maybe Paul could donate any money left over to an actual action group doing real work?

Just a thought!
JessicaKRoy attended the conference and wrote an article in Time Magazine about it She pointed out how misogynistic the men were behaving while trying to claim that they weren't, and that women are the ones who behave in a hateful manner. Here is part of what she wrote:

"Still, being surrounded by men who belly-laughed at rape jokes and pinned evil elements of human nature wholesale on women was emotionally taxing at best and self-destructive at worst. Once, during a particularly upsetting segment of the program, I had to excuse myself from the auditorium to seek refuge on the bug-filled bank of Lake St. Clair. I kept wondering why I had volunteered to fly 600 miles to attend the conference alone, to surround myself not just with crass ideological opponents, but with people with violent Internet histories who believed my very existence oppressed them. But to emerge on the other side of this with both my sanity and a worthwhile story, I would have to actually adopt a grain of their advice. I would have to stop feeling like a victim, and in turn cast aside all of the humiliating and unfair and devastating experiences I had collected as a woman.
Online Intimidation
For the most part, the conference tried to display the gentler side of the movement, one that embraces activism for significant men’s issues. Its organizers are aware of the fact that it would tarnish their authority to allow misogyny to overshadow their policy prescriptions to help real problems that affect men.
Days before the event began, Elam published a warning post on A Voice for Men saying that some ideological opponents and members of the media “will be looking for anything they can to hurt us with,” so anyone caught trash-talking women would be ejected from the conference.
For Elam, who once created a website called Register-Her, which encouraged men to name and shame women who supposedly made false rape allegations, shifting to a less polarizing agenda would mean a powerful change of heart. Elam has since shuttered Register-Her, and at the conference spoke of working to “build bridges between men and women instead of walls.”
“I find it hard to believe that this is Saul on the road to Damascus,” says Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center, “that Elam has really had an entire personality change.”
Though in person the activists worked hard to coat their message in a kinder, press-friendly sheen, the conference had barely been over for a day before Elam published a post to A Voice for Men taking issue with my tweets during the conference, which made clear that I was upset by many of the sentiments expressed.
In the post, Elam called me a “low rent hack” who “practiced journalistic scumtardery,” a “liar and a bigot [who] will be exposed.” He titled the post “An Amazing, Amazing Conference, Even With the Stink of Jessica Roy in the Air.” Those who tweeted at me following the publication of the post minced fewer words.
It seemed the perfect example of the fact that though the movement was attempting to put a polite face on in public, they still continue to harass and intimidate online. (Though they adopted similarly skeptical attitudes, none of the male reporters who tweeted or wrote about the event were subject to similar treatment.)
Elam says that being satirical and controversial is his way of drawing attention to the message.
When you talk to someone like 68-year-old Steve DeLuca, the legitimate need to remedy some of the issues raised by men’s-rights activists becomes more evident. A Vietnam veteran who was injured in combat, DeLuca spoke movingly to me about the two brothers he lost to suicide, and the unfathomable toll the high suicide rate among men can take. There are men out there, like DeLuca and Brendan Rex, who have a real stake in the movement’s success. The paranoia and vitriol of its leaders can’t possibly do anything for them.”

A perfect example of how Elam and his minions just keep sticking their feet in their mouths and making the MRM look really bad and clearly misogynistic.
<p>ya, know my instincts tell me that jack ass is a narcissists, I place him on a scale of one to ten way beyond a ten!!! </p><p>he has a Overwhelming need to feed it!!</p><p>that is why he keeps coming back at us even though we through shit at him! </p><p>he doesn't care !!! because its better then no attention at all! he has to feed it!! or he becomes depressed, its his drug!! </p><p>he called into the radio show every night, sometimes two or three times a night, not to get his point across but, to feed his insane need for attention! </p><p>he placed his real (post office) picture up on the W W W so it would be picked up when some one would type in his name !! oh there's jack!!! I know him!!! </p><p>have you noticed he never approaches women his own age??? its just teen aged girls ??? he is looking for them to admire him .LOOK little girl im your big daddy i can rock your world !!!!</p><p>he knows grown adult women know he is full of shit and he !!</p><p>no more cares about helping men than the moon does!! its all about having his moment and time ,feeding his disorder ! </p><p>what a fucking ass hole!!!</p>
In the mean time,Paul Elam snickers all the way to the bank while his fans continue to pat his back.
Paul Elam & Avfm are being investigated by the IRS and the STATE OF TX !!!
(For fraud and tax evasion)

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