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Obamacare Characterized By Blatant Sexism Against Men... -and-women-s-lobby-christina-hoff-sommers#

Excerpted from : "Obama and the Women’s Lobby"
By Christina Hoff Sommers

"The Affordable Care Act mentions “breast” 44 times, “prostate” not once. It also establishes an elaborate and expensive network of special programs to promote women’s health. Programs for men are nowhere to be found. What explains the imbalance?

When President Obama took office, he promised to insulate his administration from organized lobbyists. Yet, from day one, he granted the women’s lobby unprecedented influence. The results should trouble fair-minded feminists.

...the 2010 Affordable Care Act created an Office of Women’s Health, a National Women’s Health Information Center, a Coordinating Committee on Women’s Health, and more — right down to the mandate that universities pay for students’ birth-control pills.

The average lifespan of American men is five years shorter than women’s, and men contract the big diseases several years earlier. According to the American Cancer Society, men’s lifetime risk of developing cancer is approximately 1 in 2; for women, it is 1 in 3. But the Act is informed by the spirit of NOW and other women’s organizations such as the American Association of University Women. It would never occur to these groups that the health and longevity of men are matters of interest to women. To them, relations between the sexes are a zero-sum game — and their role is to fight for women and against men."

Conceptualclarity : Sommers will have to search long and hard to find these "fair-minded feminists" to which she refers. The fact that there is no feminist dismay being expressed over the sexism in Obamacare further demonstrates that feminists and fair-minded people are pretty much mutually exclusive categories.

Obama doesn't care about men and he doesn't deserve any of their votes on November 6.
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"The Affordable Care Act mentions “breast” 44 times, “prostate” not once. It also establishes an elaborate and expensive network of special programs to promote women’s health. Programs for men are nowhere to be found. What explains the imbalance?

"The Affordable Care Act mentions “breast” 44 times, “prostate” not once. It also establishes an elaborate and expensive network of special programs to promote women’s health. Programs for men are nowhere to be found. What explains the imbalance?

gypsy..> well

( 0 ) if men fed their babies from their breast,

(1) if men suffered from breasts cancer on the same level as women do.

(2) if men had to have the breast reduction to save their back from pain,

(3) if men had to buy bras to keep their breast from giggling and pulling on their underlying muscle that creates painful sensations.

(4 )if men had shoulder pain do to bra straps creating indentations ( canal like grooves on top of the shoulder)

(5) if men's identity were linked to your breasts,

(6) if the opposite sex were attracted to you, based on your breast size.

and the list goes ..........
You missed the whole point. 6 of the 7 things you mentioned here are not the concern of Obamacare. In context the article is talking about cancer. And prostate cancer kills many, many men, especially black men. Yet Obamacare is unconcerned with it. That is very telling.
i knew you would debunck some, if not all of what i said, but thats ok i expected it...

same thing with heart disease..... heart disease is number one killer for women and there is a lot less info and studies done on heart disease, for women than men.....

so it goes both ways when it comes to discrimation in health field.
The reason for more heart disease studies being done on men is because there a lot more men who suffer tragically early heart attacks, probably because they have iron overload which is prevented in women by menstruation. (Dr. Julian Whitaker recommends men donate blood once a month.) And it would be silly to think that the heart disease studies done on men have not provided a lot of information useful in the treatment of both sexes.
Yes it is. Paul Elam did a whole show about it.
Well it was about mysindry in health care. But a lot of it was about obama care.
Yes, his putting all the blame on men for single mother families among black Americans was appalling. How can you condemn men for being "absentee fathers" when it's usually the mother who left, not the father?
I thought that's what you ment. But I wasn't sure.
Women are NEVER responsible for anything. They always blame the nearest available man. That's who they are.
How do you know that it is usually the mother who left????
Many of these "fathers" are unmarried men with several baby mama's. Many are uninterested in assuming the responsibility that would come with marriage. Many are incarcerated. Sadly many are dead from black on black violence.
<p>Odumbo is blatantly sexist against men. He's a bastard child raised by a single mother and hates his father and himself in many deep psychological ways. Odumbo makes speeches about hating men.</p>

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