Depends on how they treat other people
pelman0011 · 56-60, M
I have zero issue with it. I wish my parents would have been rich. My dad was so poor he couldn't even pay attention.

I think they're really lucky, and I've noticed that they tend to be fairly entitled
I also think that inheritance based wealth can make for a very inequitable society. I really don't want to end up with lords and serfs all over again
I also think that inheritance based wealth can make for a very inequitable society. I really don't want to end up with lords and serfs all over again
Treat · 100+, F
I don't care. If your parents were wise enough to invest and leave you some old money, good for them
Entwistle · 56-60, M
If they inherited money from parents who earned it from nefarious means then I'm not really okay about it.
It doesn't really bother me of course but I think most people would say it's wrong if a drug dealers son/daughter inherited millions. What about if an arms dealer leaves millions to his kids?
It doesn't really bother me of course but I think most people would say it's wrong if a drug dealers son/daughter inherited millions. What about if an arms dealer leaves millions to his kids?
revenant · F
nothing. Good for them
Moonpenny · F
From experience, people with old money are used to that lifestyle and tend to treat people well regardless of their wealth. People with new money tend to flaunt it.
But good luck to them!
But good luck to them!
HannahSky · F
No big deal, everyone works for something.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Why should I care how they got the money, none of my business
Its nobodies buisness, their family earned it and passed it down. People have a right to die and leave their wealth to their families/take care of their kids. Too bad if anyones recentful, mind ya opinionated, jealous, nosy, hateful, poor ass, deal with your own life.
How would you feel if you lost your parents for example and all their money went elsewhere? Why would it go elsewhere?
How would you feel if you lost your parents for example and all their money went elsewhere? Why would it go elsewhere?
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
Couldn't care less how wealthy anyone is and how they got it if they are, unless they did it in a shady manner, in which case I want nothing to do with them.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
I think they're lucky but they gotta hustle to stay rich and propagate the legacy.

How do I feel about them? Aren't they lucky.

Lucky ones.

Meh. My parents are loaded and I'm not an asshole, isn't that enough? lol
I think some people who inherit their wealth are disconnected from reality, but they don't have to be. I don't think less of someone who didn't earn their wealth as long as they live a good life with it.
I think some people who inherit their wealth are disconnected from reality, but they don't have to be. I don't think less of someone who didn't earn their wealth as long as they live a good life with it.
bijouxbroussard · F
Seriously, depends on how they see and treat others. I had a friend who was from one of the old wealthy families of my city and never knew he was from that kind of wealth until long after he had passed away. He was always so generous with everyone in our circle but never made a big deal of it.
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
Don't care.