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I Am Fed Up With the Willfully Ignorant People of the World

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It never seizes to amaze me how badly run the office of the presidency has become! If u realize just how many ppl he's affected in a negative boggles the mind! How can we all allowed him to be at that position?!!! Representing the great USA?!!! Will that office ever be respected again? Must he make us all laughing stocks?!! I lost count of all the broken promises he's made to his own supporters not to mention the outright lies... Physically, he may be fit for office but what comes out of this persons mouth shows me that he doesn't even realize that he's contradicted what he's said moments ago! He's a YES MAN wanting to please all sides! Doesn't this cause chaos?!!! He appears to me that he's influenced by the very last person he speaks to! Mark my words...he will be the cause for the republicans to lose ground and giving the democrats the upper hand once again! Sad to say, he has never lived up to the," Make America Great Again Ideal!" He acts like a man that can be blackmailed for deeds that may yet to be uncovered when the truth all comes out. He was meant to respect and follow our constitution, representing all of us ( not just the 1% & white supremacists)!!! I pray for each and every American to open their eyes ( emotions aside!) and know we the people deserve better than this!!!!!
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ajsk13 · 51-55, M
your problem is you only listen to the propaganda that is news and fail to see the method of his madness so to speak.. the news loves to make something out of nothing which is exactly what this is , the left not 25 years ago made the exact same argument with the exact same phrases .. the difference is now everything said is considered racism and you have fallen for it as if you read the actual definition it doesn't fit..

for once we actually have a president that is going to fulfill his promises , something that has rarely happened in my lifetime , I think I have only seen it happen twice ..Now ask yourself why do the democrats want to add more unskilled and criminally minded (as that what they have to do in their country) to our welfare roles? for the votes to stay in office as they have lost all but 5-6 states in the union..

Now if you and I have to pay for all these people and they families as 46% of the visas given are from chain migration ,how is the country benefiting from all this debt? it's not , a fun fact... before obama came into office 16 % of the population was on welfare , now it's 62% and the only ones benefiting from it are the democrats as those people are voting for them to keep those benefits..

Trump wants and is reversing this process ,that's why they are working so hard to attempt to remove him from office

and just so you know I am a Hispanic and my families country of origin is a SHITHOLE (and now two congressman have come forward and state the word was not used, as durbin claimed it was , if you check their records ,who's the liar in his career, durbin ,go figure) just visit south of the border and you will see.. it really is a shithole... Personally I just wish I knew after all these years why the people haven't stood up and changed it? , because of corruption ,it's always about the money
[@what I can understand is clear; bankruptcies, several divorces, unpaid workers, unkept promises... Maybe you and I live in separate universes?! I still respect ur right to say what u say... Let's agree to disagree?
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@Greenbare I must ask you something quite serious and plz don't get upset? I know that I've got lots to learn but I do respect your right to feel the way u do... However, where oh where are u getting this information? Fox and Friends? Id love to know what exactly to u mean by greatest president? Respected by others? No my friend...that's probably fear or embarrassment! If I you truly believe in what u say...then the actual truth will set me straight I reckon?!
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To be fair he is orange!
GeniUs · 56-60, M
@SW-User well hang on just a minute, when the Oompalumpas sang it was time to go, that's serious. Let's hope Trump doesn't start singing.
@GeniUs lmao!
@SW-User I really liked ur ,"Orange," remark! U made me laugh!!!!!! Thx!💋
TheProphet · M
He represents those of us who are tired of the way liberals have fucked up our country. He hasn't gone nearly far enough yet.
TheProphet · M
@SW-User Once we get rid of the refugees and close the borders things will improve. America is still the greatest country in the World and always will be.
@TheProphet oh! I wanted to add ( if u know anything about political history) that political parties are guilty making messes and bringing shame! No one is guit- free!!!!
TheProphet · M
@Shewolfiie69 I do know my history well and you're right.
Wiiiiiiiiii · 51-55, M
Watch out, he may come seize you.
@Wiiiiiiiiii Is that a song title? Where can I hear it???!
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TheProphet · M
@LvChris Dream on.
@TheProphet me? Underestimate? Nah! Not this time... Truth lets in the sunshine and fresh air!!!
@LvChris ha-lle- llu ya!!! Thx for saying what I find difficult to say!!! LvChris!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋💋✨✨✨🎉🎉🎉🎆😘
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