hunkalove · 61-69, M
It was July 1969, I was in college, summer school, at a party with about 50 people. Everyone was drunk and high and loud and dancing to Led Zeppelin. About six of us were watching TV, the sound off, watching men walk on the moon for the first time.
Probably my wedding party. A lot of close family and friends and people I hadn't met before. One of my exs closest friends got so wasted he ended up bottomless. my parents found that very entertaining . We danced a lot and people kept buying us drinks . At the end some people started smoking hashish so me and my ex took off with a train to St. Andrews . We left early because we wanted to be alone and left my parents with all the crazies even though they were flying home the day after. It was chaotic but fun,I will never forget it.
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@basilfawlty89 haha was mostly Scottish but yeah. Scots are just as out there if not more to be honest. Nevermind the kilts oomg 💦
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@PepsiColaP Scots drink to die
@basilfawlty89 aye they do.

Probably one I went to two years after graduating college. It was me, my best friend, my girlfriend, and several other friends I hung out with in college. It was like a reunion of the old gang and it was a lot of fun, lasted for hours into the night. A lot less “messy” than the parties I attended in college. Plus it was in a much nicer venue than a dumpy frat house. I’ve also been to some parties while traveling abroad that were pretty decent. The quality of a party depends on who’s there. If it’s one where it’s mostly people you know it can be awesome, if you’re into that sort of thing (which I admittedly am).
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
One my house in college threw, we had our own jungle juice and there was a band and DJs in the basement and naked people on the stairs.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@Keeper but I bet you got better tips in the tip jar.
Nice strategy.
Nice strategy.
FunkyHat · 36-40, M
@Starcrossed That sounds like a lot of fun.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@FunkyHat it was crazy times ☺ I lived hard in my 20s.

A sleepover with two close friends
Keeper · M
God - I could, and should...write a book.
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morrgin · F
I only remember the first half of it

I don't party.
SarahTheHooker · 26-30, F
Last year, I drunk with my friends at my fella's house....I got offered coke, which I'd never do, but did some....went wild...danced - in stilettos - in his work surface, fell into my bestie....drunk some more....did more coke...screamed, danced some more...had sex with my fella...more drink....then woke up with my face in a girls vagina....
...apart from a few drinks and a short time period, I can't remember anything....just anecdotes from friends and boyfriend....and having a whopping great bruise down my side....
The hangover was legendary!
Sarah 💋
...apart from a few drinks and a short time period, I can't remember anything....just anecdotes from friends and boyfriend....and having a whopping great bruise down my side....
The hangover was legendary!
Sarah 💋
TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
partys are over-rated, imo, i dont think ive ever been to one either, just hooked up with friends, drank and took drugs really
FunkyHat · 36-40, M
@TheCoolestCat Camping in the woods alone is all the fun I need. I'm not a marijuana guy, but pain pills are good from time to time.
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
It was my boyfriends birthday party and he lived out in the country. And at one point about three random guys pulled up in a car. One had no legs and played a fiddle the whole night. Nobody knows who they where and how they found us.
FunkyHat · 36-40, M
@SkeetSkeet I live way out in the country, too. It's a whole new game out here.
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
Lol, I've never been to a party either. That's how much of a loser I am.
FunkyHat · 36-40, M
@AnonymousJSS I guess that makes me a loser, too. 😥
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
I typically don't do large gatherings, just at the pub or at home with few friends, some alcohol or weed and good music and conversation.
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
the most fun i’ve had at a party was watching crossfaded people act stupid and laughing at them
oh and this guy drove his jeep into a ditch and asked everyone at the party if they had a hitch to drag him out
other than that they’re full of shitty music and annoying people, unless you can find one that’s just with people you like who are into the same music and shit as you
oh and this guy drove his jeep into a ditch and asked everyone at the party if they had a hitch to drag him out
other than that they’re full of shitty music and annoying people, unless you can find one that’s just with people you like who are into the same music and shit as you
FunkyHat · 36-40, M
@poisonouscupcake I'd like to go to a party that's so good, it inspires a movie.
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
@FunkyHat i get what you mean but safety always comes first, there’s a reason why those are just in the movies
FunkyHat · 36-40, M
@poisonouscupcake Honestly, I'm not a party person, but I would like to go to at least one while I'm still kind of young.