I Don't Let People's Criticism Of Me Affect My Life
Did you know that fear of ridicule is one of our top fears making public speaking one of the top three fears in most people?
They say don’t worry about what others think about you. We all still do. Our jobs, our relationships, how we carry ourselves, and avoiding punishment strictly depend on what others will think about us. So yes, we do worry and yes we DO care about what people think about us or we’d go to work in our pajamas with our hair all messed up. But can we also have a side to us that is immune to criticism? That no matter how others laugh or criticize it doesn’t affect us? The rebel that you let out in instances where you wholeheartedly feel secure in who you are, not to be defined by another?
Fear of ridicule.
So how do you break this fear? Test yourself. Do something you consider embarrassing, and do it without a care in the world; as if no one was watching. Because then, and only then you can laugh and feel good in the inside completely independent from what others thought of your performance. That feeling is so beautiful and so liberating it can give you confidence in the midst of ridicule. Yes, you can absolutely respect constructive criticism and attempt to follow through with your authorities and their expectations. Except that now you’ve learned not to be defined by their criticism, but by your own. It takes practice. It is a daily exercise of the mind, a muscle to be strengthened. And eventually, fear of ridicule will minimize to a point you actually feel comfortable with who you are in every aspect.
And they can say all they want and slowly but surely criticism will affect you less and less until you aren’t looking for validation but you give it instead.