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I Love And Respect The Late Great William Bill Cooper

[media=]Mystery Babylon🤔

#163: Mystery Babylon 29: Lucifer 2000

William Cooper's assistant researcher leads a spirited open discussion with guests Jordan Maxwell and Anthony J. Hilder covering many topics focusing on Mystery Babylon.
The occult symbolism in America. The origins of the Illuminati. The United Nations, Masonic British Israelism or Christian Identity, the Skull and Bones, The Jacobins, President "Red Ronnie" Reagan the Communist and honorary Mason, The Great Seal of the USA, Theosophy and the Lucifer Trust, New York, the Empire State, leading the world into the New World Order Empire.
Keep in mind that both Jordan Maxwell and Anthony Hilder are believed to be agents to deceive those that currently follow Jesus Christ.

#203: Mystery Babylon 30: The Godmakers 58:05

The Secret Kingdom of the Mormon Church, another cover for the Religion of Mystery Babylon, whose dictatorial shadowy controllers wield great power, influence, and wealth.
Founded by a Freemason, the Mormon symbolism, ritual, and degreed hierarchy is similar to all the other tentacles of Mystery Babylon such as the Knight Templars, Freemasons, and Order of the Quest.
The LDS goal to take over the world, take vengeance on the American government, and to establish Zion and reign forever, is written in their own founding documents.
Mormons preferred for Black Ops Intelligence and other government positions.
Cooper exposes Bo Gritz. The secret of the Utah town of "Orderville".
The LDS is known for "survivalism", and laying up food and supplies for a minimum of two years, and is required by the Mormon Church, because they know what is coming and will have a hand in what is coming.

#206: Mystery Babylon 31: The U.N. Meditation Room 1:44:00

William Cooper describes the layout and design of the UN Meditation Room, the strange pseudo-religious altered pagan chapel found in the United Nations building in NYC.
Cooper reveals who designed it and funded it's creation.
The meaning of the symbolism from their own words.

#210: Mystery Babylon 32: Ice: The Ultimate Disaster 2:36:11

William Cooper reads from the book "Ice: The Ultimate Disaster", digging deeper into the elitist, racist, and eugenic beliefs of these Adepts of the secret societies.
From their own mouths they confirm who and what they are, and tell of their disdain and hatred of Christians.
Cooper exposes Tom Valentine, the "Radio Free America" broadcast(which he calls 'Radio Free Freemasonry'), and "The Spotlight", as a deception, infiltration, and front for the Secret Societies, posing as a voice of the "Patriot Movement".
Some of the most widely known voices of the Patriot Movement have been members of secret societies, the communist party, the Mormons, and other branches of the "Enlightened Ones".
Cooper was on to the fact that most of the so-called leaders of the Patriot Movement were in fact, the Enemy disguised as Christians.
The Stelle Group, vision of a world Utopia, the Great Pyramid, the ancient land of Mu.
While Cooper didn't entirely grasp the Nephilim connection yet, those that understand will see the influence of the Nephilim and Fallen Angels in the history of the Mystery Religion.

#261: Mystery Babylon 33: Humanist Police 3:29:57

William Cooper reiterates the fact that these "Illumined Ones" have infiltrated all levels of our society, our government, our institutions, our churches,and our Police, and that we need, as a nation, to get these people out of our government and institutions and expel them from the country.
Cooper quotes from a Police News Letter called "Aid and Abet", put out by Jack McLamb, written supposedly by a police chief, (or was it written by "Aid and Abet" themselves) to send a message and identify themselves to the Secret Societies and to convey policy and a warning to police readers of this newsletter. The police letter calls for "us shepherds" to single out those that will not accept the new age of the 21st century. A veiled threat against the Christians in America. But those that have been studying these "Elitists" know that the goal is to destroy Christianity and Christians off the face of the earth.
The letter is a treatise on Humanism directed at police and was a warning to police officers, by a Freemason Police Chief, that they had better go along with the New World Order.
Jack McLamb is, today, on "Patriot" and "Christian" radio, and started the group known as "Police against the New World Order".
Training the New World Order Police as a tool of oppression for the Elite, where the people are controlled every second of every day, of every moment, forever.
Cooper also correctly predicted that if Clinton was impeached it would make no difference in the direction of this country.
The real reason behind the Gulf War.
The farce of the people voting for President.
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Spitbak · 56-60, M
[media=]Jack McLamb

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