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I Don't Want Kids

Children will always be a great thing to have. Reproduction is good. However, I myself, do not want children of my own.

So why do people close in your life feel like it's necessary to say, "Oh YOU'LL CHANGE YOUR MIND".?

Here is my reasoning behind this; I don't want to make the lifelong commitment of taking care of something. I already have a dog and that's a big commitment for me. I already have nieces and nephews and I'm great with them, so that's enough for me.

When a baby cries it gives it me the WORST anxiety. I can't handle the stress of a baby screaming and unhappy/ or in pain. There's different cries, (when it's hungry, tired, or needing a diaper change), but when those middle of the night screams that happen every once in a while, and nothing seems to help, my mind is in panic mode. I literally helped my sister calm her son down once, but I didn't want to do it, I wanted to get in my car and drive somewhere to get some sleep, cry and scratch myself.

But I know her being a new mother it's not easy to handle alone, and she's just like me except she doesn't show her emotions/anxiety the way I do. So I had to help.

I don't think pregnancy is fun. All the cute mom's out there who had a cute baby bump, are all beautiful, glowing angels. But for me, I would literally hate the 9 full months of nausea, exhaustion, and pain all the time. I've grown through a miscarriage when I was 20, and I was 17 weeks pregnant. My ex and I's plan was to put it up for adoption, however the little person never made it. It was sad but also I hated being pregnant. I never felt good. On top of that, miscarriages are the most PAINFUL things to pass, when your body is trying to get rid of it.

I never want to have children. I would have a million dogs before I give birth. Maybe, MAYBE when I'm much older, I'll adopt if I get lonely but I can't deal with the anxiety that I've dealt with handling someone else's child. That's the worst anxiety I'll ever go through.
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SubZeroSlays808 · 31-35, M
For me, it's primarily because I just can't see the decision to bring a child into this world as anything other than pure folly.

If society was a mess twenty or thirty years ago, then it's worse now than it ever was before. Had I seen the state of the world before being forced out of my mother's womb in 1993 and had any choice in the matter, there's not a doubt in my mind that I would have chosen to not to be a part of this world.
SaraxKay · 26-30, F
@SubZeroSlays808 Exactly! I agree 100%
zork0000 · 56-60, M
Huge props to you for recognising this and accepting it, plus for having the courage to say it out loud.

There is nothing wrong with you and anyone who feels the need to convince you otherwise is simply rude.

Of course, other arguments are that there are far too many people on this planet already and that we are doing horrible things to it and all the animals and plants that live on/in it.

SaraxKay · 26-30, F
@zork0000 THANK YOU. This is why I love being on this site so I can meet like minded individuals. I've been waiting for someone to let me know that nothing I am doing is wrong. Thank you so so much.
ColeQueen · 36-40, F
I am 29 years old and I don't want kids and don't have children.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
We too lost a child to miscarriage and it was horrible. We did have another child a couple years later. Children are an awful lot of responsibility and you cannot do it alone.
SaraxKay · 26-30, F
@Tastyfrzz I'm really sorry for your loss, and I'm happy you were still given a child.
You are absolutely right about that. I already have a dog so I just want to stick to that. That's enough responsibility for me.
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
I'm sorry that you had a bad experience with being pregnant. I do agree that if you don't want kids, you shouldn't have them. No woman has an obligation to reproduce. After all, it's not as if the human race is an endangered species.

The only point I will make is that you had no maternal bond with your sister's child. That might very well have been different if you had your own.
I don't think you know how many people have not wanted kids but had them anyways.
SaraxKay · 26-30, F
@FearfulHarmonyReborn I hear you on that.
But I wrote this referring to me, and the reasons why I don't want children.
I don't mind kids if I do or don't have any. I just like to practice a lot ;)

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