I Am Interested In Politics
A Double Standard for Violence, Intimidation
The “historical pressure of Donald Trump” isn’t the root cause of the left’s rage or of its violent rhetoric and actions—it is merely a pretext for them
If any other Republican had been elected president in 2016, denying Hillary Clinton her assumed right to that office, he or she would have become the target of violent speech and hatred just as President Trump has and as the gentlemanly George W. Bush was.
The political rage infecting the U.S. is almost exclusively a left-wing phenomenon, and it is not something accidental to leftist ideology but is intrinsic to it. Violence has been part of the radical left’s arsenal and ideology since the French Revolution. It is the direct result of the hard left’s rejection of traditional Christian morality and its embrace of moral relativism in pursuing its agenda, which allows leftists to demonize their political opponents and to use any means necessary to defeat or even eliminate them.
Certainly, most liberals in the U.S. don’t espouse violence, but a growing, radicalized minority of them do, and often with the tacit approval of their less radical brethren. Unless mainstream liberals in the U.S. reject the demonization of those who do not share their ideology and unless they subordinate their ideology to morality, the rage and violence will get worse.
Mary R. Schneider
Avon Lake, Ohio