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I Am Interested In Politics

So I keep hearing a lot of disgruntled people saying 'we didn't vote for him because he is a misogynist racist, we voted for him over economic issues'. So I have an idea. Two actually but the second is going to take me a few months to build. But here's the quick one. If you voted for Trump, but seriously do not believe in discrimination, read through this:

Highlights include things like "Not even 24 hours yet. My friend's sister, who is Muslim, had a knife pulled on her by a Trump supporter while on the bus by UIUC campus.", "Principal in Pennsylvania admits white students were chanting: Cotton Picker, You're a N!@@3r, Heil Hitler", etc.

I'm actually not posting this link as an 'I told you so' because today I saw something I find equally horrible. I live in Portland, did go to one of the protests - everyone was very calm, peaceful, we smiled and waved at the cops keeping us safe, and spend half an hour before marching all going over safety stuff and 'do not break stuff, it will end up on the news and make us all look bad'. And as I'm going to bed, all the protesters had dispersed a while back, and there are a few dumb@$$ anarchists out there that are burning garbage cans and taunting the police. And I just want to grab them and smack them upside the head.

So! I'm going to try this assumption on for size. Both sides have those people, the ones that make everyone look bad. I'm going to assume that people who voted for Trump were genuinely focusing on the economy and were willing to make a deal with the devil over it - that they are not terrible horrible monsters who are Really willing to burn down every non-White non-Christian American while stripping women of all their rights. That they don't Really want to trash our shared environment and pump oil into our drinking water (like the Dakota line will do).

And... if you're a Trump supporter, this is where you come in. I'll denounce, publicly, loudly, all the people committing violence and destruction in the anti-Trump name. I'll call them out, post about them, and make it clear they don't represent the liberal side. I'll stand against any liberal movement trying to take on that approach or that's giving silent nods to it. YOU do the same for the hateful racists, bigots, and misogynists, and for any policies on your side that try to roll back our progress toward equality. What do you say, willing to do that? Because those protesters aren't protesting the idea of jobs coming back to the US (they want more and better jobs too), national security (we all want to be secure), or any of that - they're protesting out of terror for their friends (In two days I've already had to reach out to half a dozen people who were pluralized in fear of what would happen to them)

So... what do you say? Will you go out there, reassure people that you'll not stand for that kind of America, and that you'll protect those different from yourself? That you're really just in it for the economic principles?
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I have not been made aware of This insident on the bus, so I can only reflect on it as hear say. And I also will wager that we will hear much more of these allegations, so the seperitists and communists can continue to create noise that looks harshly on a man that they were brain washed into believe is has horrific as he's made out to believe. They did the same thing to Obama. And it's being done because we are in an ideological conflict in this country. And for the most part it's easier to go with a government that will provide for your every need, then it is to provide for those needs on your own.
The proliferation of this kind of propaganda will be used continually and it will only serve to divide us ideologically more and more.
I talk tirelessly everyday to people on both ideological sides to find reason and concern about all things. There are two sides to every story. It's time to start listing to both of them.
There is a movement in this country that is pro sharia law, and that is fearful to many, and many who have been fearful in the past gave acted in negative hateful ways. There are many good Muslims in this country who are willing to adapt to the freedoms this country brings. There is a homeland n which people are being slaughtered for nothing more then thier beliefs. We are faced with many diffecult problems. We are a great nation and our values and beliefs is a beacon of hope. It's time we begin to deal with what is important in this world instead of continuing to point fingers
HypnoKitten · 41-45, M
I have no idea if you are trying to reach out and just failing, or if you're trying to say others should fall in line? I'm just going to skip replying any further since I'm trying really really hard to stay find optimism here
I'm saying just what I have said. You want to continue proliferating division. I want to find answers! We can't do both!@HypnoKitten:
HypnoKitten · 41-45, M
@JoanieNewHampshire: *sigh* ok, let me reply then.

"the seperitists and communists can continue to create noise that looks harshly on a man that they were brain washed into believe is has horrific as he's made out to believe." - it is possible to brainwash people, but lets look at who has been brainwashed: just about every college educated adult, the overwhelming bulk of the young adults, every free democratic nation on the planet, every top scientist in our nation, the republican leadership, the independent vice president, every media organization (including the conservative ones) aside from a few extremist talk radio stations. Lets see who has the truth - those who refuse to believe the media (only source of researched information), scientists, their own party, anyone who has done any actual research, and the recorded words of their 'champion'. Let's agree to disagree on who the brainwashed people are, yes?

"it's easier to go with a government that will provide for your every need, then it is to provide for those needs on your own" - What exact needs are you thinking the liberal sides were wanting? Hillary promised nothing economically, most of the people I mentioned work hard for a living, in the private sector, and make plenty of money. Those that don't (that I know of) work to start their own farms, communities, and pretty much all desperately want jobs (no different than among conservatives, 'government handouts' are not enough to survive on, are demeaning, and make it very difficult to grow - almost every human being prefers having a job). What we've been providing for with our tax money are farm subsidies, food stamps to subsidize businesses that refuse to pay a living wage (most in deep conservative states), and to help those less fortunate then us because we don't like seeing dead bodies on our streets - its bad for tourism. (Many of those people btw are veterans who have returned badly wounded or with extreme PTSD - and I totally believe the VA deserves more funding given their sacrifice) Oh, and investment in education (yes, we do want that to be more free) because we're starting to slip our national technological advantage compared to other nations - and that's bad for business. I have not taken a single handout in my life thank you very much, and I've worked two full time jobs to put myself through my degrees (and still ended up with crippling dept - owed to a private institution that the government sold my loan to without asking ).

"There is a movement in this country that is pro sharia law" No, there really really isn't. There never has been. The US has a 0.9% Muslim population, that's not even enough to push through an exemption for a sharia-food-cart. The US is moving toward secularism perhaps, but absolutely not toward any form (Muslim or Christian) of religion-in-government. The only people pushing anything like that.. well, look no further than the upcoming VP if you want enforced religious values. (eg. electro-shock gay conversion therapy, reversing pro-choice supreme court rulings). As a basic rule / statistic, always always assume Liberals are on the side that will stand up against ANY form of enforced religion. If anyone tried to sneak sharia-law into any city system you'd need the whole NRA to hold back the liberals from tearing down that city hall. (The free practice of individual beliefs on the other hand, have at it - hijab, wine and crackers, whatever, they'll also fight to protect that for everyone. Hell, the ACLU fought to protect the KKK's right to free speech and assembly, likely throwing up into their mouths the whole time)

Hope that helped. And I don't want division. When Bush won I was unhappy but fine, just different economic and military policies that I disagreed with, but that's fine. This is different - and the answers I want aren't about division. I want to hear a strong commitment that people aren't willing to stand with intolerance and racism. If we talk economics - even the 'welfare state' if you want - I'm totally fine there, no protest, no worries, just discussion. We can talk calmly about gun control, taxes, etc. If you want unification, let's stick with those topics. All you have to do for unification, all any Trump supporter has to do, is promise to stand up against anyone trying to take it further - against anyone trying to bring a Christian version of Sharia law into this country, against anyone tolerating the violence and hatred that you just said you abhorred in other nations. Tell me that if you see laws being passed that will discriminate against gays, blacks, and women that you'll say 'no, that isn't what I voted for' and you'll stand up to that. Say that (all of you say that) and the protests will die down, the fear will go away. Tell me that if Russia moves into US-spheres-of-influence and Trump flinches you won't let him pull us back, won't let him abandon all those who staked their lives on trusting American honor and promises. Tell me that you'll speak up against the Dakota pipeline that's about to dig under the Mississippi (illegally and against the warnings of the Army Core of Engineers), becoming one accident away from destroying the US' largest water-source which serves multiple (conservative) states. We can talk coal, that's fine - no one is against them and there are absolutely compromises (like focusing tax incentives so that every new green industry Has to be based in coal-country, replacing out the jobs with higher paying safer ones, and fixing local economies) - but say you'll stand up against removing all our environmental protections (so the US doesn't start looking like Beijing, and Flint doesn't become our new city-model)

As a nation we've Always been able to discuss economic policies, and these are my answers for where the division currently is (and what would fix it). What questions do you have, what do you seriously worry that liberals and independents are trying to do? And if they've been overlooking something important for the good of the nation I'll go out and promote it, champion it, etc.

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