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I Almost Killed Myself

But it wasn't quiet purposely.
When I was a year ore twelve we where discussing "hanging"with some friends of that age,how it would feel,how long it takes and more of that pure technical details.
Long story short,we did decide to test some things,stupid me was volunteering for a try out,we agreed I would sign with my hands when to stop when pulled up.
What we didn't know was that if y're hanged.y're instantly paralyzed totally and you can't see anything neither.
Fuck,that was scary,one of my friends said "are you alright?"
No answer,I couldn't,they where discussing a bit and not aware exactly what was going on,luckily they decided to let me down because it looked a bit "strange".
In total this "experiment" took maybe a half minute,maybe even less,but it where the scariest moments in my life till now.
Till now? Is something more scary now?
Yeah,you never can be sure about what's next,but I'm not waiting for more of this kinda "fun" lol ;-)
Gosh, that was so frightening to read. I was so afraid for you. Someone who tried to kill theirself that I know, by hanging, said it doesn't go fast. Said your brain burns real bad. Does it? Wasn't it the scariest, not being to get your breath? What did you think of while you were hanging there? If it paralyzed you, how did you get unparalyzed after you got down??? Doesn't it break your neck???
Wait, "till now" ?
Yeah,y're never sure what's next,but I hope it stays this way,one of this kinda scary experiences is enough :-)

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