The critical voice; as I have spoken of him. For a long time I believed that only that voice could come pouring out when I took up a pen. And yes he is rathwr useful - but also, rather tumultuous.
It took this site to remind me of something else I had. A voice that had something to say. If a part of yourself can only serve to belittle and break down, why bother writing at all? At least through what I have seen here - I could allow both to co-exist. Though a part of me realises that there must be a time for both to be integrated - after all, this voice is mine.
Perhaps my writing of today must be the start if a catharsis. And after this - I will find a whole - a balance between thw part of me that would see everything, and the part that could still see the beauty in everything. Both acknowledged this - and both shall be the whole.
I will find how to be rid of the mask - the barrier. And through this I will be rid of the stasis I so desperately wanted to rid myself of. Is the fiest step not to acknowledge this?