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I Support The Police

Policemen, we're on your side. Liberals hate you, just like they hate our noble US military. They hate the traditional functions of government and want government instead to be some kind of many-breasted mother suckling the masses and thereby maintaining them in a perpetual juvenile status. But liberals are a sick minority. The majority of the people are on your side. We know Michael Brown was a thug, not a martyr.

I read about a decade ago that both white and black policemen were slightly less likely, not more likely, to use force against members of the other race. The portrayal of policemen as white supremacist racists who shoot first and ask questions later and pose a mortal danger to whoever is black and young is a lie.

Hold your heads up. It won't be too very long before Barack Obama will be leaving Washington and settling in Hawaii for good, and his choleric band of liberal racists will be looking for jobs in the think tanks and universities. Better times for policemen in America will come.
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i'm a liberal and i don't feel this way although i'm sure some do. but it's the same with non-liberals- some support the police and such while others do not. try not generalize please. :) and have a nice night!
I do indeed respect your position that life begins at conception. However, not everyone accepts that belief or even the foundations that underpin that belief - that all humans are endowed with a soul by God. Many believe in no God at all.

Our Government must protect the rights of all citizens.

You are correct that progressives seem to want to stifle dissent. Any policy, and the belief behind the policy, with which they disagree is a threat to their agenda. This comes from the fact that in many cases, these people represent small minority's of our population, fighting for what the majority often opposes. It is wrong and hypocritical of them to do so, but as a tactic, it has worked for them. I do not like nor respect this tactic, but I understand it's use. If they can stifle debate, they have won the debate.
Thank you. I'm not desiring to be argumentative, but I wouldn't say the pro-life position is only theological. When the sperm and the egg unite, they form a being with new DNA that differs from both parents. The being is 50% likely to be XY, so the being certainly cannot be said to be part of a woman's body. A woman can only have XX cells as part of her body.
The real question is not and has never been whether a fetus is the genetic progeny of its parents. The arguments are whether or not a fetus, or a human adult for that matter, has a soul, who created the soul, and when does the fetus transcend a genetic joining to become a human deserving of a value and legal consideration equal to that of the mother.

As a matter of public policy and law, I have chosen to believe that a fetus has become a human child at a point between 20 and 24 weeks, based on the maturity (completion) of its central nervous system, its self-awareness, and its viability outside the womb. It is certainly a compromise position but one I believe makes sense as legal public policy. For anyone who believes as do you, you should and do have the right not to abort a child from conception and to express your freedom of speech to oppose abortion at any time after conception based on your religious and moral beliefs.
Leadership begins at the top. Our "leader," President Obama has set an extremely progressive and racist tone in America over the last six years. In every controversy involving race, he has immediately made incorrect assumptions and publicly taken sides, almost always wrong. Even where race was not a real issue, he has injected race into the discussion, always in support of progressive assumptions and preconceptions about race and racism.

His biased pronouncements have encouraged violence and I believe have directly contributed to the deaths of several law enforcement officers doing nothing but their jobs -- attempting to protect society from criminals.

Those of us who studied this man before he ran for president knew what kind of a man he was and we understood the policies he would promote. Unfortunately, America today is a "feel-good" society of the uninformed and apathetic.

Wake up America!
I certainly agree with your observations about Obama and his henchman Holder. Would you join with me in putting in a good word on behalf of our maligned local police forces?
Absolutely. I believe that our police are generally unappreciated. The job they do is dangerous at times, boring at others. Most join because they want to make a positive contribution to our society. Worst of it is that the neighborhoods most in need of police presence and protection are least likely to appreciate them, trust them, and treat them with respect.
I'm not even a liberal and I despise police, they are the epitome of hypocrisy and corruption. Many are brutally violent and use unnecessary force on a regular basis, and the ones that don't are cowards for letting it happen.
What country are you a resident of?
Whatever. I work and sometimes train along side police officers and I've never seen one raise their fist once. If you obey the law, you'll be fine. If you resist arrest, you'll get your asses kicked and thrown in jail.

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