Pro-Socrates, or pro-Aristotle, antiEpicurean, or antiStoic......
Philosophical ideas abound in modern life even so very classical ones. You have to think about what is being said, and what isn't and you might want to counter the ideas with something, something modern maybe. It's personal! You think independently as it occurs to you.
I love to sit and listen to the conversation! There's so much to learn, especially when you are listening to a different language! You show your respect to those older than you, and learn from there experience. It's one of the best things about being the youngest member of the KKP!
I love to sit and listen to the conversation! There's so much to learn, especially when you are listening to a different language! You show your respect to those older than you, and learn from there experience. It's one of the best things about being the youngest member of the KKP!