Well Cierzo I agree in that society exists because of the laws we abide by, created by consensus through democratically elected politicians enacting legislation that supposedly represents us
If everyone puts themselves above the law like in crime and punishment then a dystopia is created and 'society' ceases to exist
I do think though that democracy can be hijacked by powerful commercial (or other) interests
I also believe people have individual agency and there is a point where society has no right to have a say. An example would be laws against homosexuality, with a more current example being laws against assisted suicide
Personal drug use is another where I question if the law should be involved.
For example, marijuana use has made criminals of the majority of the population including the current President of the USA
If I live in a society of religious fundamentalists should I be held to their moral code in my personal decisions?
If it is law that I should report a runway slave should I do it but try to change the law -or should I protect the slave and try to change the law?
Does a higher moral code sometimes take precedence? If everyone followed the letter of the law we might end up in a very inhumane robotic society. For example a breast cancer patient recently fined for slightly modifying her seat belt.
Then there is fungirl's example - I've heard a law is still in place in Britain that a police man must give a pregnant lady his hat if she wishes to pee
Ha ha ha !