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It feels terrible to text somebody when you genuinely want to keep the convo going but the other person doesn't do the same. Though now that I've come to realise that you just forget about this and go on and say what you want to, your friend wouldn't mind at all or else he/she is too afraid to or would've said so. You'll get to know that person a lot more along the convos, it feels pretty good to know what they think.
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You just have to know that you're not alone in this :)
Valencia · 26-30, M
Well im alone in life, so thanks :)
I mean you're not the only one who's experiencing this. I'm going through it as well and I understand!
There is an easy way to fix this. The easiest way to find something out is to ask. Doesn't matter if it's rude, they will tell you and you will know. They can't get mad at you for something you weren't sure about. Don't worry. Just ask. Simple as that. :L
Really what if?.
what if I care and cant stop ?!
Valencia · 26-30, M
Lol then welcome to my world bruv
it's seems like that lol
I don't think so :P