CallmeHopelessNotRomantic · 46-50, F
That's the problem with me! We gotta stop being so much alike😁
LittleUnicorn · 26-30
@callmehopelessnotromantic lol omg yeaaah 😅😂😂😂
HatsOnFrogs · 26-30, M
Yeah. Thats very much been true for me today. Hooray for getting overattached ish... :P
HatsOnFrogs · 26-30, M
Yeah, i end up caring about people too much. And goodbyes just totally destroy me. I know its not meant to hurt me, but it does.
FreshAirLover · 26-30, M
A very sad truth.
Goralski · 56-60, M
Its a given
Fortyniner · 70-79, M
People tend to live up or down to your expectations of them.
LittleUnicorn · 26-30
@dickvalentine yeah, exactly!! What I hate the most is when people leave without saying goodbye... just when you start caring about them, haha anywassss it hurts so bad

Story of my life and I always seem to get let down :(
LittleUnicorn · 26-30
@dickvalentine same same same :/
enag19 · 46-50, M
@littleunicorn: how much have you disappointed others?
LittleUnicorn · 26-30
@dickvaletine yeah :/ I feel you... I've cried too but then I realize I look stupid for crying over someone who left and who doesn't really deserve it:/
HatsOnFrogs · 26-30, M
Yeah it really does. Honestly, both really suck, but when someone just suddenly says goodbye forever and disappears, it destroys me. Like full on tears.
bijouxbroussard · F
That makes sense.
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