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I Have Been Slapped Across The Face

Well opposing to my usual over the top long stories, this is gonna be a short one. I got slapped in the face today. Not by my ex or an attacker. But by a student in my class room. I should start by saying I'm a 10 th grade teacher and tend to be very kind to every one. But today I was having one of those bad days that got me really in to a bitchy mood. Long storie short I ended up hitting a student in my classroom over the back. And as a response he slapped my face twice which got me and my class dumb struck. And then he threatened to sue me in court. I just left him alone and took the rest of the day off. And now hear that this has turned in to a hot topic. I'm too afraid to call his parents because I might lose my job. So I disided to apologize to him first thing tomorrow. What do you guys think I should or should've done?
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Oh dear. What a tough one.

I disagree with you slapping him, but also disagree on him slapping you.

Maybe the student also had a bad day or life. Not all homes are happy.

I hope that you are well at the moment.

Good luck. Also, what do you teach?
lisasama · 26-30, F
Thank's a lot for caring. I really appreciate it. And I teach dancing and english. Not at once btw. Lol😊
Serenitree · F
What's done is done. You cant undo it, so there's no point talking about what you should or shouldn't have done.

If it were me, I don't think I'd wait until morning. I'd call, and tell him I am sorry I lost it and struck him. Add no buts, or if only, just the straight out apology.

Then, first thing the next day, I would go to the principal, and explain exactly what was going on in the classroom and the fact that I struck a student. This is when I would explain why I did what I did. What the boy was doing that got me so riled that I lost control of myself, and subsequently, him.

That being said, I don't blame him for hitting you back. Even if he's been raised to not hit a girl, you hit him from behind. He merely defended himself from a blind attack.
Of course, he shouldn't, strike a teacher. He shouldn't get away with it as it sets a bad precedent. It's a bad situation all around. Now you just have to do some damage control.

Good luck. I hope it all turns out okay for you.

MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I changed my mind, go with this one.
lisasama · 26-30, F
Yeah this really makes sense. Thanks a lot y'all l. I really needed this.
Serenitree · F
@lisasama: I really hope it all works out for you. I know what it's like to be a single mom.

Peaceful · F
I would speak to the principal first and see what they recommend
Peaceful · F
@lisasama: you are in a tough situation. I still would go to her with your narrative first. Otherwise, the kid will have the upperhand.
lisasama · 26-30, F
I do understand what you mean. I actually don't mind giving him the upper hand. It was my fault any way. Maybe this is gods way of telling me to be a better person
Peaceful · F
Yikes! Good luck. I hope it all works out for you.
I think it's easier to apologize to his parents than to him personally. I mean he hit you too didn't he. I would be furious
lisasama · 26-30, F
I'm too tired to be angry. I'm just almost broke so I need this job. But may be you're right. I could talk to his parents.
Yeah they's a good chance that they'll understand. I mean it's not like their son is the most respectful kid ever. He could've done the same to them when they tried to discipline him.
lisasama · 26-30, F
Thank you this really helped. I guess it's people like you who make living worth it. thanks again. I already got it figured out. Wish me lots of luck😊
goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F
Good idea! Just apologize tomorrow :)
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
i'd talk with a lawyer.. like now, don't talk to US about this.
lisasama · 26-30, F
I'm a single mom. And as of the new constitution can't afford a lawyer.
What happened so far?
A 10th grade kid slaps back a 22 year old teacher? Twice?
I'm reading all these comments below and all these jabronis say how you shouldn't have slapped the kid. This proves that this site is full of jabronis.

When I was in 10th grade kids who made mistakes got their asses flogged. And those who reported such stuff to their parents would get whipped by their parents too. It wasn't the child-abuse kind of whooping. Just a who's-in-charge-don't-be-a-dumbass kind of whooping. And it did all of us a lot of good and no bad.

I'm not advocating for child abuse.

Once one of the boys in high school turned against the teacher and it was a straight up fist fight. He got expelled.

To all these nutjobs asking you to apologize to a kid, are they out of their fucking minds? The fact that he threatened to sue you is laughable. The stupid kids of this generation... no wonder they grow up to be shitty adults becoming strippers and crack-dealers.
lisasama · 26-30, F
Well i did apologize. And i wish i was tough as you rock?
Serenitree · F
@lisasama: you're a teacher? You got suspended *indefiantly*???

Serenitree · F
@therock: I'm not looking for an argument, but I'm looking at the scenario.

She was having a bad day. Feeling bitchy. A student got her angry. She hit him from behind. SHE HIT HIM FROM BEHIND. He didn't see it coming. Suddenly someone is hitting him from behind.

I think she acted inappropriately. I think he didn't decide that she deserved a smack or two, he reacted to a blind side attack.

When I was a childcare provider, I struck a three year old child. It was wrong. I apologized to the child immediately and to the mom as soon as she got home. But I also said I didn't make a decision to strike her. I thought the children were all asleep. I was busy in the kitchen and thought I was alone. Suddenly this child snuck up behind me, very quietly and struck me in the back with a long rubber snake. I reacted to what I perceived as an attack. This is what I think happened to that tenth grader. He got hit from behind. He struck his attacker.

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MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
🤔 Not slapped him... really... However he shouldn't have slapped you either.

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