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Voting time! American teens 17 and under, who would you vote for?

Poll - Total Votes: 13
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
Bernie *sigh*
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You can only vote on one answer.
I think Hillary because she is a female, and I'm a feminist. Honestly between Trump and her both match my likings. But lets face it America, Bernie is already out of the presidential race!
Really, though, being a feminist doesn't obligate you to vote for the female candidate.
I don't want either Hillery or Trump. In ballots like this, I kind of wish they would add the ability to enter a negative vote. I'd much prefer to vote against T but not add to H's vote pool.

I know that will never happen and some people might think it doesn't make sense, but it would let the candidates know where they actually stand. Example: Lets say Hillary wins by a landslide, she'll boast about how America loves her and supports her. It will likely be because people didn't want Trump in office.
I agree with Lseule. It's ok to be a feminist but make your decision based on the quality of the person, not what sex they are.
most wont hillary she will give them free stuff,,,Trump will give them jobs,,
carpediem · 61-69, M
Don't you need to be 18 to vote? Of course, in Illinois, you don't even have to be
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You could try someone from an independent party. There are other women running. Jill Stein is a female version of Bernie Sanders.
who ever you vot for cant get any worst
orodon · 41-45, M
The Old Communist is out lol
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SadlySafe · F
@LSeule hi, I like Donald and Clinton equally. But I think It'd be neat if she was president. I'm 15 so I have a few years
Namor69 · 41-45, M
Hillary is a criminal career politician! She has been exposed in plenty of books!!
EJTOOO · 18-21, F
Anyone else. Elmo,Ronald McDonald,anyone.

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