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I Had a Bad Day

So I love my job, but there's this hierarchy thing going on and I'm right at the bottom. I plan to work my way up and I understand that being at the bottom means people will walk all over me, take advantage of me, abuse me and humiliate me. I'm also being paid half of minimum wage because I'm a trainee. But that's okay because once I work my way up there's no way I'll treat people the way I was treated, it's life experience I'm learning from.
But today it really got to me, even cried on my way home after the way I was treated.
Maybe it's just hormones.
I'm just one of those world peace types, I'm all about equality and diversity and I fail to understand people who violate it, whether it be racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, trans-phobia, etc... I'll never understand people who cannot accept another good person for being who they are.
I daydream a lot, I guess that's to blame for why I'm so sensitive to the real world, because it's so harsh.
I just had a bad day, I'll be more optimistic tomorrow :)
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I wish someone had told me 20 years ago what I'm about to tell you. Don't let people push you around. The ones that are doing this have no real authority. They Will use you to elevate themselves and give you no credit for your hard work.

Make "I'm doing great, how are you?" part of your daily ritual.

Find a mentor. A senior person to learn from...make yourself invaluable to them. Fuck the rest.
floatingintheocean · 36-40, F
Awww, I'm sorry, it's good to know someone else experiences these things too and mostly that you don't plan on treating others badly once you're the boss.
HannahSavannah · 26-30, F
Wish I could directly reply to people. Thanks to everyone replying, your words mean a lot to me :) xx
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
Keep pushing young lady. With your attitude and determination you will go far.
sorrow · 31-35, M
good luck!!! you will be on top soon!!
Wish u the best of luck for tomorrow!
Awwwwww ,😔😕🙁☹️😣 don't worry , Ul get there 😊👍🏼🐥
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
You know I never will understand why people treat new people like they are scum. They get some kind of perverse feeling of superior feeling like their life is more important than yours. Like kids on a play ground. I guess it true we may get older but we don't grow up.
Unfortunately Shit flows downhill, hopefully you'll remember how it feels when you're at the top

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