HannahSky · F
Just2Read · 46-50, F
No I did not steal him.
This is the time for celebration! We will raise our son together and without the doubts, lies and being ashamed. Happy days! 😊
This is the time for celebration! We will raise our son together and without the doubts, lies and being ashamed. Happy days! 😊

@Just2Read you're delusional

So you stole him from another woman?
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@SW-User Maybe not... but not everyone has the required self respect to see things for what they are and realize that they are looking at mutton dressed as lamb under the influence of the feelings that they are experiencing.

@HootyTheNightOwl one of these days she's gonna wish that she wasn't stuck with the loser.
@SW-User Sadly, that's a lesson that she needs to learn for and by herself, though... i've been there and made the same mistake myself.