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I Have An Ukelele

Plink-plink-ca-chink... I have an umber of 'em. 6?

my favorite is the old fashioned banjo-uke.It's the third one I've had,but I've never played it cos it doesn't have a bridge.It was seemingly made in the 1930's so it's safest as a wall hanging for the time being.I can be hard on these poor little things.The first one I ever bought new 15 years ago I smashed into smithereens against a bridge to illustrate some drunkard's lament or other,made all the more pathetically memorable as I waved the busted strings around while cursing the untimely demise of my new toy.but then I saved the neck and ended up eventually affixing it to an old speaker to give it a Bo Diddley kind of look...I could also plug the seaker into a mic input on my dear departed ghetto blaster and use it as an amp of sorts.It made an unholy din for such a frankenstein's scrapheap.I'd play bottleneck slide with an actual broken winebottle and could get feedback when the stance was correct.I
've still got it,in tatters-the fretboard eventually split due to my insistance on using steel strings to get that howl of authentic blues squall.bwowhawh.Ukes were not designed to handle that much tension.So I'll have to reinforce it with some aircraft parts or black market space-shuttle leftovers,something more durable than yuh usual duct tape,I'd suppose.
 I've also got a yellow plastic one I'm particularly fond of,tacky to the extreme with some sort of stupid palm tree sticker on it but that little biddy is waterproof,so that scores major points in my book.pity it's not pink...plink.
 I have at least two others in various states of disrepair.I'm always planning to get out the glue n' rhinestones and soup 'em up,but,errrmmm,ah'm a busy mofo in mah ole age.plunk plitty plunk.
I didn't mention that I can't exactly play these things,but I'll get all fired up now n' then and strum away for 20 minutes before reinforcing the fact that I am far far far from the next ukeulele star.but that's ok. I bought a new one a few weeks ago,a beautiful instrument-all intact,actual machine heads,mother of pearl inlay,smells like wood,stays in tune-marked down from sixty bucks to twenty 'cause it was missing the case,so I went for it,it's a lovely little item.Whuffo I need a ukelele case? it fits in a backpack.Or I could use a tennis racket case,if I had a tennis racket case.
Then I could dress in tennis whites and mingle at the hoity-toity summer country club soiree and steal the hearts of cucumber sandwich-munching munitions heiresses by serenading them with... the... secret minstrel ballad whose intricacies I will under no circumstances reveal on this or any other website.I've already given away too much. (shudder)
 ok-your mission,should you choose to accept it,is to go and get yerself a uke,ideally cheap and slightly battered,tune it up kinda weird and make a caterwauling spectacle of and dogs and fair maidens alike all love it,trust me.
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dubkebab · 56-60, M
so our (anti) hero recently affixed a contact mic to the headstock and commenced to strum up a tuneless wail...the better to scare off heiresses of any sort.though a munitions heiress could truly be a workable option for me. maybe someday. depends on the ordinance...

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