For me it is coppertone suntan lotion. It sends me back to family vacations at the shore. I love that smell and the memories it brings back.
TxBtrflyX2 · 51-55, F
I love that one too!

Mmm, yankee candles smell delicious. I just love them. They make fantastic Christmas presents too. ......... Gosh! sounds like I am doing a tv commercial which I am not even getting paid to do! :) haha

Yankee Candle has one "Man Town". You have to try it!! The perfect manly scent.
TxBtrflyX2 · 51-55, F
will do!

I had a girlfriend in high school who wore Windsong perfume. I don't even know if it's still made but whenever I have smelled it the scent took me back to those hot summer nights with her in my arms.

Some of the best memories of all.

that's all I have in my house. Yankee Candles

THAT HAPPENS TO ME with sexy perfumes :IT WILL if a woman wears HAPPINESS or HYPNOSE :O I LOVE THOSE SCENTS :-) :-O :-D