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I Want to Think of 100 Things I Hate

How About 200 Things I Hate... 100 Things I Hate, eh? This should be easy for me, I may even take it further than 100. Let's do this

1.People who take 7 seconds or more to get from 0-60km/h
2.Watching my Carolina Panthers lose
3.SWAG/YOLO f*gs
4.When I have 2 half open cans of pop sitting on my desk, and I drink the one that's been sitting there for the last 2 days
5.People who stop in the middle of a parking lot, and wait for a spot to open up close to the door
6.The wind
7.When I'm all comfortable in bed, then I remember that there's still something that I have to do before I sleep
8.When this city shuts down roads I planned on traveling on
9.Low tire preasure warnings
10.When my mouth is frozen, then my dentist asks me to take a rinse, and then spit
11.When I just finished taking a sh*t, and I realize that I'm out of toilet paper
12.My stupid phone battery that can't even go 3 hours without dying
13.When I'm parked at the back of a parking lot, there's still 100 open spaces, and someone still parks right beside me
14.When metalheads in Europe get to buy epic metal albums before me, cause I live in North America
15.Running out of bacon
16.Positive thinking
17.Photo radar
18.When people say good morning to me. Then get mad when I dont say it back to them
19.Waiting for games to load
20.Photographers telling me that I need to smile in pictures
21.People who get in my way
22.When I order chicken mcnuggets, and mcdonalds forgets my sweet and sour sauce
23.Little kids who feel the need to say hi to everyone they see
24.When I'm cooking bacon, and the grease splashes up, and burns my fingers
25.Spiders. Those shifty little bastards keep finding a way into my ba<x>sement
26.When Supercuts cuts my hair too short
27.Freezing rain
28.Smart Cars
29.Working on Saturday
30.When morbidly obese people try to fit themselves into tight clothes
31."Internet Explorer has stopped working, windows is checking for a solution to the problem"
32.People who drive slow in the passing lane
33.Happy Meals
34.When I think of something good to write on here. Then I forget, when I go to post it
35.When my car windows freeze shut
36.When I burn my waffles
37.Overly sociable people
39.Manners. They suck
40.People who can't put their shopping carts away when they're done shopping
41.Construction Zones
42.When I set my alarm for the wrong time, and I end up being late for work
43.Pop up advertisments
45.When people call me while I'm trying to sleep
47.When my shower runs out of hot water
48.People who think that my car is a Camaro, or a Charger. It's a Challenger, damn it!
49.Black Friday
50.People saying "Merry Christmas" when it's not even f*cking December yet
51.Pop culture
52.People who slow down the check out line with their stupid coupons
53.Getting the queen of spades in the game "Hearts"
54.When my boss asks me if I want to work overtime, 15 minutes before the day is over
55.When my breakfast takes too long to cook, and I end up being late for work because of that
56.People who can't mind their own business
57.When people say "Excuse me", because you know that when they say that, that they're going to bother you in some way
59.When old ladies try to cover their foul stench with large amounts of cheap perfume
60.Hanging christmas lights
61.People who say "Everyones beautiful in their own way". No, some people are just plain ugly, get over it!
62.When concert venues have the "No re-entry" rule
63.Waiting for this stupid ice maker to make me ice
64.Getting called into work while Im on vacation
65.Viruses. Both the ones that make me sick, and the ones that f**k up my computer
66.When Tim Hortons, doesn't put my coffee lid on properly, and the coffee spills in my car
67.When people drink my beer
69.When people go to the clinic, because they have a cold
70.The fact that people get special parking spaces, just because they drive an eco friendly vehicle
72.When I see people who own muscle cars driving below the speed limit
73.Those retarted facebook pictures that say things like "Like this picture if you think this baby is cute"
74.When my paid vacation comes to an end
75.Christmas music
76.People who can't jaywalk properly, If I got to slow my car down, because of you, you're not doing it right
77.Short people asking me to grab things that they cant reach
78.Sneezing while my mouth is full
79.When I'm kicking as* in a video game, and then my Xbox freezes
80.When people stand in the middle of a grocery store asile, starring blankly at the shelf, like a zombie
81.When people blow their nose around me
82.Slippery roads
83.Having to have a conversation with someone, about something I dont give a sh*t about
84.Finding out that I cant play floor hockey, because the league is full
85.When KFC discontinues the Double Down
86.When my Ipod dies, during an epic guitar solo
87.When the sun obstructs my view while Im driving
88.Having a disappointing year
89.When you can find one glove, but not the other one
90.People who think violent movies/video games and heavy metal music, are the sole cause of violent behaviour
91.People who trip, and fall. Then try to sue somebody for it
92.Getting crappy songs stuck in my head
93.People, who can't appreciate sarcasm
94.Getting stuck in the right lane, (aka the candyass lane). On the highway
95.When Itunes asks me if I wanna download the latest version. Even after I check the box that says "Dont ask me again"
96.When I wash my car, and then it gets dirty again the next day
97.When a 5 hour work day, turns into a 12 hour work day
98.People who call the cops over the stupidest things
99.Junk mail
100. Saving the best for last, the thing I hate the most: People, they're the root to most of my problems in life.
That was much too easy, let's take this list to 200 shall we
103.My IPods excessive low battery warnings
104.Spring snow
105. My radar detector telling me that there's radar, when there actually isn't any f*cking radar around!
106. Getting bits of popcorn stuck between my teeth
107.Slow walkers. Don't you just want to kick those d*cks in the back of the knee? I do
108. Speed bumps
109.Long lineups
110.People who pay with just nickels pennies and dimes
111. When there's nothing good on TV
112.Having to spawn more Overlords
113.The fact that Trix cereal isn't sold in Canada
114.Crowded malls
115.Windows Updates
116.Biting my inner lip
117.Cutting my face while shaving
118.The fact that I cant kill those annoying kids in Skyrim
119.When you talk sh*t about your favorite sports team, cause they're sucking. Then someone tells you that you're not a "true fan"
120.When urinals flush before I'm done p*ssing
121. Twiters 140 character limit
122.When I have my drivers seat adjusted just right, then someone decides to readjust it
123.People who are obsessed with celebrity news
124.Spring allergies
125.When I'm in a hurry to get somewhere, and I hit every single red light on the way
126.People who put loud mufflers on their old beaters. Really,what are they trying to prove?
127.When my headphones get caught on something
128.Having holes in my socks
129.Those commercials about new drugs. They're soooooo long
130.When I'm taking a dump in a public bathroom, then some douche bag, decides to pound on the stall door, can't a man sh*t in peace?
131.When I'm cleaning my car and insects to land all over it
132.When I'm nice enough to let someone into my lane, then they proceed to drive slow
133.When Im shopping then someone asks me where something is. Do I look like I f*cking work there? No!
134.Being hungry
135.Sneezing in public
136.Auto correct
137.Those stupid concrete poles you find in drive through's. Are they trying to take my car mirrors off?
138People who tap on their brakes for no reason
139.Forgetting important keys
140.Being tired
141 Parking tickets
142.Pallet wrap, no really, this stuff is almost as annoying as people are
143.When YouTube videos lag/freeze
144.When I want to speed on the highway, but there's a cop in the lane beside me
145.Not being able to sleep
146.The fact that I can't listen to my Ipod while at work
147. When the city lowers speed limits
148.People who cant use self checkouts properly
149.When I order just a burger and fries, then the cashier says "would u like a combo?" Did I ask for a combo? Dumbas*
150.high gas prices
151. Getting maple syrup on my carpet. That stuff is hard to clean out
152. Mosquitos
153.Those "Extreme Couponer's"
156.Slow computers
158. Sour Milk
159.Honda's, Toyota's, and Subaru's, AKA 'Rice Burners'
162.Insufficient funds
163.When a retailer's debit machine malfunctions, and I have no cash on me
164.When trips to the mountains get ruined by rain
165.Getting beat off the lights
166.When I try to kill a spider, and it manages to escape death, and hide somewhere
167.When my windshield cracks
168.The fact that I have to pay $85 just to get a sticker on my licence plate, which reminds me, I should really get on that
169.Missing the train by 30 seconds
170.Shaw forcing me to use digital cable
171.The edges of my stairs, they're like razor blades, and man do they hurt to slip on
172.People who take up multiple parking spaces
173.Running low on gas, because then I have to be fuel conscious, which means no high RPM driving, which means I don't get to hear my engine growl
174.Getting eyelashes stuck in my eye
175.Driving on dirt roads
176.Getting up early
177.Having to be patient
178.All this road construction going on in my neighbourhood
180.Getting screws in my tire
181.Warm beer
182. Doing dishes
183.Cheesecake, how so many people like that stuff is beyond me
184.When it rains everyday for a week straight
185.Minivans, those f*cking pieces of sh*t cause me nothing but trouble.
186.People who walk their bicycles across the street, just stay on the stupid things, so I don't have to wait as long
187.These stupid grey lines on my TV screen
189. Beef jerky being so expensive
190.When Wintersun delays their album release's
191.When sheep get in my way while I'm trying to drive down a scenic highway
192.When I'm biking, and an insect flies into my mouth
193. My coworkers, most of them at least
194.One way streets
195. Trying to sleep in the heat
196.Pointless Facebook notifications like "Joe has invited you to play fishville"
197.When people die, then I get stuck behind funeral processions, and that totally sucks
198. Being the third wheel
199.Getting stuck in a traffic jam when you have to p*ss really bad
200 things I hate have been listed. I really need to get a hobby....
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SnailTeeth · 36-40, M