SatyrService · M
go, 3 hours is not much.
do it while you have the chance
do it while you have the chance
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SatyrService · M
@NicoleCA mine, gone so long, Id give a finger for 10 minutes of either of them
NicoleCA · 36-40, F
@SatyrService I'm sorry to hear that. 🙁
SatyrService · M
@NicoleCA its life! they are long long gone. Like a myth.
Lindaisfun · 26-30, F
I just moved 3000 miles from my family. I miss them too
NicoleCA · 36-40, F
@Lindaisfun That's a long distance!
I'm not close to mine literally or figuratively, but I hope you'll soon be reunited with your family very soon.
NicoleCA · 36-40, F
@AnonymouslyYours Thanks! 🙂

we on sw are a family