SamHarris · 31-35, M
Tell me about it. I take care of my teeth very well and very properly, and I have been. I don't need to see another one and I won't as long as I live, because not only are they a waste of money, but they also look for a reason to crawfish your statement you make to them about taking care of your teeth and they call you a liar.
Ishapian · 46-50, M
Honestly don't mind any pain at the dentist be it extractions, fillings or crowns. It's the paying at reception i hate.
thatdeadpanda · 26-30, F
@Ishapian 😅😅 touché. Dental insurance helps.
Ishapian · 46-50, M
Only £25 for a filling and polish.
thatdeadpanda · 26-30, F
Only people with perfect teeth enjoy going. 😂