Sad thing is, you've already stated why this is a bad deal for you. You're living paycheck to paycheck and not in a position to act on deals when they occur, and you have no emergency funds that you will need in the future. At 19 you are just starting out, so be patient and build up your savings, and most important, live within your means at all times. Don't ever go into debt unless you can help it, and even then, limit it to a mortgage. There is much peace and tranquility in your life, and your marriage, when money is not a concern. A couple's finances is the leading cause of stress in a relationship, according to a survey by SunTrust Bank. This rental house you want may come back on the market each year when the lease expires. Or contact the owner and tell them you want the house but cannot move in at this time, but leave your name and number and have them contact you the next time it is available. Remind them that will save them advertising costs.