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I Am Real And My Profile Is Real

Now open!

The Quizling Profile Authentication Service

100% accurate, reliable, and mostly safe...

Doubts as to your identity? People think you are a faker? Too pretty (or funny) for your own good?

Then contact Quizling with the relevant information and proof and our service will validate your identity!

You too could have the Quizling Stamp of Approval!

Well, so far my new service has got off to a flying... stop!

On the plus side, we do still have a 100% track record on accuracy and confidentiality :D
Myzery · 41-45, F
No accusations yet. (I always knew I wasn't funny. 😥)
But, just in case, I shall keep this service in mind!
Perhaps someone will call me out on comma usage...🤔
Haha I've not been accused of being fake yet either. Myz, maybe they know our crazy can't be faked 🤗 I mean you're Skeletor and I'm a Unicorn
I don't care that much lol, people who are stupid enough to keep thinking I'm Billy can keep that little illusion when it make's them happy 😂
Oh, this wasn't a desperate attempt to attract a partner this time... It was in response to something that happened to a site user... She was being called out (quite viciously) for being fake, and as it happens, she has proven that she is indeed totally real... just very very pretty, lol.

I've given up on the dating thing... It was starting to depress me to be honest. So I just reverted to being silly today :)
Jeffie · 46-50, M
***Bookmarked for future dismantling of psyche***
Sorry, being called fake has happened so often here, it's actually funny that they don't realise I'd use a better fake picture!
@Amazing - I have been fortunate that I have a very dark sense of humour. I am sure if it were not for my ability to laugh at myself and in the midst of disaster, I would have gone mad years ago... I guess humour is my salvation.

Beneath it all though I can be very thoughtful and serious... But that path leads to true darkness. Over-thinking, worrying, paranoia, panic-attacks, hyperchondria...
@Jeffie - You best hurry, there is a queue!
@Amazing - I hope she doesn't come alive tomorrow... That would mean I had to wait another 16 years before I could legally date her, and I would be 54!! :o

@Enchanted - I already know you are real! lol

Well, unless it's some other sort of service you are asking about?? :p
@Luna - There was a younger member being attacked for not being real (turns out she IS real) by an old guy... So I created this as a tongue in cheek joke. Seemed funnier before I had to explain it, lol :p
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@Enchanted - Surely you have realised by now... I can do ANYTHING! :p

@Luna - Awww, your concern is touching, but no-one made me do this. It was more of a joke than anything x
@Amazing - Well, that's a relief! I am not sure everything needed will still work when I am 54... The knees are already a bit dodgy! :p
@Amazing - Well, I don't do much dancing, and I tend to smile rather than laugh, but I do sing like an angel ;)
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@Amazing - That's the problem around here... I can write, but most of the women don't appear to be able to read!
amazinglife · 46-50, F
I really think you look good, u got blue eyes and u can write ....where are the ladies you can choose from...
@Luna - Glossy would be best... Or laminated.

Anything easily wiped really :p
@Amazing - Nope... Yet another one of my brilliant ideas has fell flat on it's ass!
@Amazing - Well, a good friend recently told me, lol x
@Amazing - And thank you x ((blushes))
@Amazing - I am sure that can be arranged :)
Elegy · 46-50
A service I need no but a service I want Yes!
Jeffie · 46-50, M
Should hop on the Crazy Train pronto then 😨
Sunnykel76 · 46-50, F
I will keep you in mind if the need arises
amazinglife · 46-50, F
Just want to hear your singing voice.....
@Luna - Liar... You'd love it ;)
amazinglife · 46-50, F
Shoot you need google amazing ideas to find your match and not attract trolls/fakers...but then this is a learning experience so when you meet'll say Hooray finally !I don't have to pull my hair with crazy appreciate her more...
@Hairy - I might have to expand and set up another department for that one... lol

@Star-Bright - Well, I suppose just information and photographic evidence that someone is who they claim to be... I never really thought of it any deeper :p
amazinglife · 46-50, F
Wow I can't're resilient. ..keep it up and hope for the best....laugh, dance and sing like no one's watching so you will just do whatever makes u happy as long as you're not hurting anyone....
amazinglife · 46-50, F
You should have no regret others have gone through a lot of failed relationship, abuse and drama....u got spared from all of is better to be alone than be with the wrong person and be lonely....
@Amazing - Are you implying that I am trying to get pictures sent to me by naive scantily-clad young girls??

I wasn't... But I bloody well wish I had thought of it earlier :(
amazinglife · 46-50, F
I think you just have to hope that one day or soon she'll see you and that it is her that you are writing an idea now but she will come alive tomorrow. ..
amazinglife · 46-50, F
Quizling you are not gonna make me sleep, I would be wondering what your voice sounds like....u said it with confidence so u have a good voice..
amazinglife · 46-50, F
Lol @Quizling She is already somewhere I mean meeting you,like she will not just be your longing or dream anymore but would be your reality....
@Star-Bright - Shit... A potential customer!! Must act cool...

Hi, Welcome to QPAS, how can we be of service today? What do you wish to know?
amazinglife · 46-50, F
I'm surprised that in spite of that you are positive, are able to be funny/silly, and have a spontaneous sense of humor
@Amazing - I shall tell you my life story sometime... Plenty of failure, abuse, drama, death, and destruction x

I should write a book...
@Amazing - I will do so if I can, but I have to wait for my eczema to die down... I've got it on my face this time, so I am a bit blotchy :(
amazinglife · 46-50, F
No you r not old...and u don't tell them their profile is fake just because u did not get what u want...hold your chair....
amazinglife · 46-50, F
Really now you're making me curious...can u record it then post it like on a group like I CAN SING LIKE AN ANGEL...
amazinglife · 46-50, F
Hey did a lot of ladies or pretend ladies applied that you need to authenticate them? Wow
@Amazing - Well, thanks for the warning... I'll make sure I avoid all the old guys :p
@Amazing - Story of my life really... Too good, too nice, too close a friend... lol
amazinglife · 46-50, F
Are you working too much that you were not able to meet anyone not even at work?
amazinglife · 46-50, F
Old guys do that to get u ,to give them photos ....

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