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I Love To Play Outside

I'm an outdoors kind of lass. I particularly like my fun in rain and snow, when I can put on nice comfortable and protective clothes - coats, hats, scarves, gloves and most of all wellies! Then I enjoy the elements when it's dismal out more than most! I guess my most enjoyable times playing outside are when I had fun with my two little cousins, who enjoyed me for being a rough and tumble tomboy! With our wellies and coats on we'd go outside to run around in the rain and climb trees and build dens and roll down hills and jump into puddles - but our favourite thing was to play in mud, squelch around, get our wellies stuck, fall over, roll around, do arsesplashes (jumping up and landing bum first in the mud puddles) and just getting overall messy, laughing and shouting all the way through! We'd come home exhausted, often a bit scratched and frequently muddy from head to wellies - but with enormous grins ear to ear! This was before we'd get hosed down before jumping in the shower and changing into warm pyjamas! Lots of fun and I'll definitely be doing that with my own kids or young relatives!
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MysticalMudBoy · 26-30, M
Muudddddddddddddd :D

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