MedusaIII · 31-35, F
People are weird.
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MedusaIII · 31-35, F
Varying degrees of weirdness for deffo though.
JadedSoul · 46-50, M
@MedusaIII: apt point, some weird is great while other versions are just WTF.
MedusaIII · 31-35, F
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
I think they assume people are on the gullible end of the spectrum. Which, to be fair, many of them are.
JadedSoul · 46-50, M
@UndeadPrivateer: true, gullible and hopeful to the point of voluntary ignorance.
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
@JadedSoul: Also very true. The easiest person to lie to is often yourself.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
Yeah, but who cares. This is the internet. If there's any place in the world to be fake, this is it.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@JadedSoul: It's still lying, yeah, but come on. Lots of people have a desire to pretend to be someone they aren't. And it seems to me like anonymous social forums and other social media on the internet would be the ideal place for them to do it. They can lie about whatever they like, something as small as what school they went to or something as big as their age and gender. I figure if they're not hurting anyone, let them do it. They're enjoying themselves. Now if they're catfishing people and trying to get others to meet them in real life, or stealing other people's content or doing some other harmful of malicious thing, that's a completely different scenario.
JadedSoul · 46-50, M
@BlueMetalChick: well like I said in original post, using fake photos... Of other people and not just to appear as someone else but to interact and mislead. So yeah...
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@JadedSoul: Using fake photos is usually pretty lousy of someone to do, yeah. Although I would find it considerably more despicable to steal an ordinary person's photos, like taking pics off someone's Facebook or something and pretending it's yours, as opposed to using like a famous person or a model's photos you got off Google Images. Both are dishonest, but one is more wrong than the other I think.
somethingIsuppose · 31-35, F
I'm not fake, it annoys me too. It's so much harder to keep up with lies. It's weird to think so many people are so insecure they'd rather pretend to be someone else
somethingIsuppose · 31-35, F
Upstate New york
somethingIsuppose · 31-35, F
Why do u use this website
JadedSoul · 46-50, M
Bored and searching for a connection.
twistermind · 51-55, F
As an avatar? Perhaps, it's not their intention to lie but to put a face when they don't want to share theirs.
Unless they try to pass it as real. In that case, I don't like it either.
Unless they try to pass it as real. In that case, I don't like it either.
JadedSoul · 46-50, M
@twistermind: no not as an avatar, as in sending pics and saying "that's me" then trying to keep up the ruse despite proof of falsehood.
they think they won't get caught
JadedSoul · 46-50, M
SMH, so annoying, especially when they try to stick to the lie after being found out.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Bye then.
Jephy · 36-40, M
Because they're idiots.