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I Am a Mutant

I can feel other peoples emotions. It's odd, at first I would randomly feel an emotion when nothing was happening to me to cause it, but then I found out why when someone else said they were feeling said emotion. I've also found I can change how a person feels. I've tested this quite a few times and it's worked every time. Thing is though, I don't know if this is natural or mutant.
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Redstar · 36-40, M
There is no critical thinking involved in something that was so obviously made up. It works on parents because every parent believes their child is special and it works on children because they're naive. Honestly, if someone had told me I was one of those people when I was a kid, I probably would have believed it too, until I grew up.
As I told you before, everyone can fit into that category of starseed or indigo children. But they act as though it's only a special few.
What drives me? Intelligence, reality, rational thinking, logic, facts... need I go on?
I don't personally get anything from this but I bet the people who started this starseed crap get tons of money for it.
I just don't want to see someone being tricked or scammed, especially when it means that person will become further detached from reality.
Being ignorant is one of the worst things a person can be, it closes off your view of reality and stops you from learning a lot of important things. It also really slows down the overall progress of our species.
We can all be ignorant in some ways, I'm no exception but I think we should all at least try to keep an open mind and always be willing to learn and not just see an idea that you think sounds cool and stick with that. Not when it's something like this, anyway.
So what I'm doing is productive. What you're doing on the other hand, is the opposite. You're just filling someones mind with utter nonsense.

But by all means, prove me wrong with all those glorious facts you promised. I can't wait!
AnukBinary · M
You are a special one that is for sure. I'd like to welcome you to the path of awakening. You see you are now able to read sense and communicate on a higher level of energy and vibrations. This is a very very special gift mutant. Jus wait till you can see the vibrations and hear the energy. I am being 100% sincere
Mguinm · 51-55, F
@AnukBinary: Nice description. I'm the same way also as Wildcat236.
wildcat236 · 26-30, F
Oh dear me, what have I started. I haven't seen anything about 1111. Thank you all for the advice. It helps alot
Redstar · 36-40, M
You're not a mutant. Mostly because they don't exist, (this is reality, not a comic book made purely for entertainment with no scientific plausibility) But also because what you described has already been given a name: Empath. It's natural and 100% Human.
And I wouldn't take what AnukBinary says seriously, as this is on his profile: "Sarcasticly deep with philosophical dreams of all the universe and her glorious wonders" Keyword being 'sarcastically' which he didn't even spell right.
FindTheBlue · 26-30, F
No, you're not. The only possible explanation is what YNS719 said, I suggest you look into that. But it is natural and you are certainly not a mutant...
AnukBinary · M
Holla the Intergalactic cosmic space wizard AnukBinary the ignorant fool from Neverland. Has returned.. In his space train..

Yahoo who's ready to read a Damn Bibles length reply

RedStar it is time I rock you to sleep. I think You need a nap.

It took me a second to understand and figure you out. I don't usually like to prove muggles wrong. Because I highly respect others beliefs and their faith in the theologies they choose and feel happy believing in.
However youre trying to bring an argument that you truly know nothing about. You are mentally trying to strong arm. These beautiful souls who are only discussing how they are intuned with others and are able to pick up on the emotions of peoples energy's. While you and your cookie cutter Society driven blinded by anything that is not your way of thinking. Trying to rain your poor excuse of a wanna be Superior opinion that you are right and we are wrong. And then act like I'm the one trying to feed heads with nonsense.

I'm jus here to help explain why the phenomenons are happening and I let them know they're not alone.

I don't know what starseed is. However I do know what indigo children, crystal children, now we have a new wave of mentally evolved human beings

"There are three totally different kinds of humans on the Earth, meaning that they perceive the One reality in three different ways, interpreted differently. The first kind of human has a chromosome composition of 42+2. They comprise a unity consciousness that does not see anything outside themselves as being separate from themselves. To them, there is only one energy - one life, one beingness that moves everywhere. Anything happening anywhere is within them, as well. They are like cells in the body. They are all connected to a single consciousness that moves through all of them. These are (like) the aboriginals in Australia. There might (also) be a few African tribes left like this. Then, there is our level, comprising 44+2 chromosomes. We are a disharmonic level of consciousness that is used as a steppingstone from the 42+2 level to the next level, 46+2...These two additional chromosomes change everything."

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
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(P.S. I did not write the statement above. I copied it from another site)

And from what I've read. You seem to have a very one sides strong obsession against starchildren and some how you've caught an opinion in your head.

Lets discuss these so called starchildren you are referring, to whom make money and rip people off. Claiming wisdom of divine knowledge of the universe and enlightenment. And they probably have degrees and high college education and are authors of their own books. I call these mainstream mudblood textbook regurgitating half-truths. I've always had kind of a bad taste about those kind. They read and learned from someone else's opinions and experiences. Not truly being able to claim their knowledge as their own truth.

Those are not starchildren. Those are people who make others believe they are.
One can not jus decide one day that they're going to be a mystical magic Weaver. It doesn't work that way John. You have to be a being a soul of the star, indigo, crystal, and ________ children. Many are starting. To wake up and not knowing what is truly going on. Being able to tap into the sacred geometry and vibrations of the universe.

Here's a link as I said I would deliver.

So you know I study theology quantum physics, quantum theory, and biomechanics. And I have never once tried to convince anyone or pressed my opinion onto someone else's beliefs. I only bring knowledge to those who are looking for it.
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
It's a trait for Empaths.
Simplegirlstory · 31-35, F
I can also feel emotion of other, I can stand from there shoes and can feel all the things which they are feeling, sometime, it stresses me alot.
GlassDog · 46-50, M
I think it's natural. You're just reacting to people around you, and people around you are reacting to you.
I think it could be both mutant and slightly supernatural. Although in supernatural circles you could be labeled as an empath.
FindTheBlue · 26-30, F
There's nothing supernatural about being an empath
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
Thank you. That is what my tarot reading told me yesterday also.
AnukBinary · M
That's awesome. You're on the right path.
Simplegirlstory · 31-35, F
I haven't seen 1111, may be your mobile have problem
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
Me too I don't know if I have any of my own
AnukBinary · M
How many of you are seeing 1111 everywhere?
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
I do. I woke up at 1111 am 3 days in a row.
AnukBinary · M
@Redstar I understand how you mean. Yes starchildren can be vag. However there are deep other points and more critical thinking.

Tomorrow after I wake from sleep I will gather up all my facts of credibility.

What egotistical belief or thing could be driving you So negatively to prove me and these girls wrong. what do you gain from all of this? Really what do you get? And if I'm so stupid why would you care to even want to waste your time on debating? Its not productive at all. However if you still have a point to prove I respect that and will be back in the morning and we will continue.
Have you tried talking to animals (not verbally) telepathically
AnukBinary · M
Redstar Like I told you in the message. It was the only title she had in the vocabulary that somewhat fit the explanation. Of course she's not a mutant. This jus silly. She is something more than that. She could be a starchild. And I could bring out all the facts, science, quantum physics and theory. Sacred geometry the binary code 10101000101010 how ever I'm gonna jus kick back and allow the ones who want to prove me wrong do the research and hunt for the answers themselves. And they can find the truth themselves.
And yes my profile says that awesomeness. However read the whole thing. Because its designed to make sense to those who it will make sense to..
Redstar · 36-40, M
@AnukBinary Well, when I posted that comment, I had already waited to see if you'd reply but you didn't, so I figured you had decided not to reply.
And Starchld...? That crap is designed to fit in with anyone, so any idiot could buy into it and think they're super special awesome, because who doesn't want to be special? But the fact is that it's as much of a load of crap as Scientology.
Seems like the real reason you wont provide facts is because you know there are none. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if you're just trolling right now.

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