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I Will Be Remembering Someone On Memorial Day

In honor of the fallen this Memorial Day , I chose to reflect not just upon their sacrifice , but rather the values for which they paid the ultimate price.

The greatest amongst those perhaps is the value and esteem in which we hold our Flag ....

It is a symbol. A symbol of Freedom. A symbol of Democracy. A symbol of justice in the world for those oppressed by tyranny , and a symbol of hope for those who struggle in turmoil and upheaval.

The word symbol is derived from the greek phrase which means "half " of a token.

The other half of this token would be the Constitution.

The very written words which symbolize and embody every ideal for which our flag stands and why these men and women fell on foreign shores.

The Constitution protects THREE vital freedoms in it's language regarding the FIRST Ammendment.

Freedom of the spoken word. (Speech)  Freedom of the written word (press) and Freedom of peaceful assembly (lawful meeting or protest) 

Nowhere does it mention "expression" and CERTAINLY never meant to protect expressions such as flag burning or assaulting political figures or those of civilian society who proudly choose to uphold and support the values of this Great Nation.

Legalization of such action is tantamount to the legalization of the desecration of not only our Constitution , but the tarnishing of the memories of those chosen to place their very lives upon the alter of freedom.

A GREAT Democracy ...

Cannot survive without a patriotic citizenry.

In a time where patriotic values are being tested like never before , these values are more than ever needed. So are positive role models.

Those who not only serve , but gave their tommorrow so that everyone else could live their today.

Those of us living still , although we can never begin to repay such a great sacrifice made on behalf of all of us , CAN indeed offer one small gesture in return.

We CAN in one united voice , demand of our elected representatives that the Flag Ammendment be passed , reversing the 1989 ruling and forever protecting the Stars and Stripes , and truly honoring those who died to not only protect it , but to try and ensure it NEVER perishes from the earth as a footnote in history.

Keep the Faith.

Honor the fallen.

Honor America.

Peaches · F
I love all that you've written here.🤗💓🌟
I rfirst read it as “dismembering”. 😳😟 Now you know where my mind is at.
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BalmyNites · F
At the setting of the sun & in the morning, we will remember them ❤️

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