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Gotta say thanks to SW as my vocabulary has improved an awful lot since I joined

I'm so dumb and illiterate! I'm an imbecile really. Seeing most of the sophisticated posts here and having to research many words to get their meaning has been refreshing. I hope to go back to school after my baby is born and have her break this cycle as well.

Sometimes I want to comment on posts but I'm terrified I'll be ridiculed and mocked by someone as it has happened before.
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curiosi · 61-69, F
I use this site to learn things which is how I got my user name.

BalmyNites · F
It doesn’t seem that way to me, by the way you’ve typed that post
Outlaw18 · 22-25, F
@BalmyNites awww thank you. Btw you're brilliant!! I've seen many of your comments on posts here. You inspire me
BalmyNites · F
@Outlaw18 Honestly, there is nothing wrong with your vocabulary 😊 Thank you very much, that’s a lovely compliment, I’m flattered 🤗
Your English seems fine to me.
no grammar police here
Punches · 46-50, F
Unfortunately though, it is the complete dip shit threads that seem to gain the most attention.
Some of mine are so stupid that they are not worthy of the boogers that are scraped off the short bus window but low an behold, people go nuts replying.

But no, you are not dumb. I don't think too many on here have any room to insult someone else's intelligence.
@Punches talk about trump and you would get 50 comments, 10 hearts.
Punches · 46-50, F
@mysteryespresso AND one of those damned thumbs up icons.

I hate to even imagine but just what is this place going to be like the day of the election?

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