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I Am Fascinated By Technology

I think I read somewhere that Alchemy was taking the known and adding the improbable.

With this in mind I also have seen where they now have a CPU processor that they call the Quantum chip. It's speed is amazing.
(NASA), officially claimed that its Sycamore quantum processor completed in 200 seconds a task the equivalent of which would take a state-of-the-art supercomputer approximately 10,000 years to complete.

From what I understand they have taken the normal binary code which consists of 0 and 1 and added a third variable of 01 together. This is something I have toyed with the idea of for a while but could never figure out what the third variable would do.

Now this is how I imagine binary code works.
When a printer is getting information from the computer it asks a series of questions about the picture.
The printer asks " Am I printing "? The computer responds with a 0 or a 1. 0 being yes you are printing or 1 no you are not printing.
Then if the printer is told to print the printer asks the computer " Am I printing black "? The computer either says 0 or 1. Then, if yes, then the printer will ask the computer " am I printing yellow "? and so on and so forth.
Depending on the computer it would or will ask these questions 8 times per pixel or 64 times per pixel and so on up until it reaches the resolution of the picture and/or the ability of the computer and printer.

Now lets add Alchemy, as I understand it, into the picture. What if you had a chip that not only had the three binary codes but a fourth that worked as a random number generator. A digital thinking outside of the conventional box type chip.
Would it just produce junk data or would it maybe generate previously un-thought of possibilities?

Anyone trying to make creative discoveries needs to think outside the box, and often that means being wrong.

So what if the chip could be wrong the majority of the time but fast enough to correct it's mass mis-calculations? Would such a chip make Artificial intelligence imaginative? Would it be able to add the improbable into it's calculations?

Just something I have wondered about for a while now.

This story isn't intended to be factually accurate and I am in no way attempting to sound like an authority on the subject.
Just my imagination asking me questions that cause me to wonder " What if... "?
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FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
I'm usually more comfortable with Intel processors like i5 and i7. I used to have a
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@Dainbramadge I Plan To Run For President in The Future
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@JohnOinger I will vote for you. Then when you asked people if they would do someone they would take you seriously. :-)
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Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Stereoguy Thank you. That new chip really got me thinking about this. LOL

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