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I Love Randomness

I'm bored so I'm doing one of these answering question things that no one cares about.. feel free to answer them yourself :)

1. Favourite smell? fresh baked cookies
2. Last time you cried? today
3. Favourite pizza? peperoni and pineapple
4. Favorite flower? Cherry blossom
5. Favorite animal? penguins
6. Did you go to high School? yes
7. Untie your shoes when taking them off? god no
8. Roller coaster? no I'm a scaredy cat
9. Favorite ice cream? caramel
10. Shorts or Jeans? jeans
12. What are you listening to? Avril Lavigne
13. Favorite TV show? Vikings
14. Tattoos? a fair few
15. Hair color? dark brunette
16. Eye Color? hazel
17. Favorite food? anything spicy
18. Favorite holiday? any time away from working
19. Beer or Wine? mead
20. Night owl or morning person? night owl
21. Favorite day of the week? friday
22. Do you have a Nickname? Plum
23. Favorite seasons? winter
24. Favorite place to get away? my house
25. Missing someone? yes
26. Dream vacation? Iceland
27. What would you do if you won the lottery? shopping
28. Regrets? many
29. Middle name? Evelyn
30 Go back to high school? no way
34. Ocean or lake? lake, oceans are kinda scary
35. Who do you think will do this with you? probably no one lol
36. Stay home or go out? home
37. Rain or sun? rain
38. Dog or Cat? cat
39. Black or white? balck
40. Hard or Soft? umm rude lol
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Peppa · 31-35, F
Never done one so I'll give it a go. :-)
1. Favourite smell? Clean laundry and a dusty cupboard
2. Last time you cried? Tuesday
3. Favourite pizza? Stuffed crust vegetarian no corn and BBQ base.
4. Favorite flower? Cherry blossom
5. Favorite animal? penguins
6. Did you go to high School? yes
7. Untie your shoes when taking them off? Never
8. Roller coaster? no I value my life thank you.
9. Favorite ice cream? Chocolate fudge brownie
10. Shorts or Jeans? jeans
12. What are you listening to? Kehlani and Calvin Harris.
13. Favorite TV show? British soaps
14. Tattoos? 3
15. Hair color? dark brown almost black
16. Eye Color? Deep mesmerising Brown
17. Favorite food? Lasagna
18. Favorite holiday? Christmas
19. Beer or Wine? Neither
20. Night owl or morning person? night owl
21. Favorite day of the week? Friday
22. Do you have a Nickname? Lily, petal, baba chicken
23. Favorite seasons? Summer all the way.
24. Favorite place to get away? my flat.
25. Missing someone? No
26. Dream vacation? Rio for the carnival-I love to dance.
27. What would you do if you won the lottery? Pay off my families debts and pay for my father's health. Pay for my degree and buy a 3 bedroom house. One rooms allocated for my parents when they get old.
28. Regrets? That I didn't complete my degree.
29. Middle name? I have two.
30 Go back to high school? If I could I would have focused more of my confidence as I was already on the way to who I am now (the positives)
34. Ocean or lake? Lake
35. Who do you think will do this with you? No one TBH I don't have a huge following here.
36. Stay home or go out? 50/50 I love going out but I like the comfort of Home.
37. Rain or sun? Sun
38. Dog or Cat? Dog
39. Black or white? Black 100%
40. Hard or Soft? Hard on the outside soft in the middle. 😘
Peppa · 31-35, F
@PlumBerries haha yes and I love that they Mate for life and the father cares for the eggs before they hatch. A real partnership. So cute in their white fuzz stage
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
yep they are so cool I just want to go to a zoo and steal them all and raise them as my own lol
Peppa · 31-35, F
I'm joining in. 😌

1. Petrol. Old books.
2. Last time.
3. Ham and cheese and pineapple 🍍
4. Tulips
5. Panda
6. Yee
7. Nah
8. Yeeaaah
9. Favorite ice cream? Rocky road
10. Shorts or Jeans? jeans
12. What are you listening to? Dua Lipa ❤
13. Favorite TV show? Vikings, Sense8, Supernatural, The Middle
14. Tattoos? Soon
15. Hair color? Black
16. Eye Color? Brown
17. Favorite food?
18. Favorite holiday? -,What's that??!!
19. Beer or Wine? ICED tea
20. Night owl or morning person? night owl
21. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
22. Do you have a Nickname? Jojo
23. Favorite seasons? Summer
24. Favorite place to get away? Cemetery
25. Missing someone? yes
26. Dream vacation? Amazon
27. What would you do if you won the lottery? Never tell anyw
28. Regrets? Too many to mention
29. Middle name? Nah
30 Go back to high school? Nope
34. Ocean or lake? LAkes
35. Who do you think will do this with you? I DID!
36. Stay home or go out? home
37. Rain or sun? Sun
38. Dog or Cat? Dog
39. Black or white? Grey???
40. Hard or Soft? 🤔
@Peppa 😅 😅 idk. I just love the smell. It smells like sweet corn 😌😌
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
sniffing petrol makes me feel like sneezing
@PlumBerries 😆😆😆
Andrew19EightyFive · 36-40, M
I'll say a few things:

My eye colour: green with like hazel in the centre
Possible favourite flavour ice cream: caramel
Possible favourite day of the week: Friday (it's sort of been my day off for a while).
Hair colour: Something like dark brown, black or somewhere in-between.
Middle name: Andrew
Tattoos: none
Shorts or jeans in hot weather/mostly shorts, I can imagine
Shorts or jeans in colder weather/mostly jeans, I'd imagine.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
very nice :)
Great list!!
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
thank you :)
@PlumBerries YW 😊
@PlumBerries "You can't blend in when you were born to stand out"
I can relate.
Nat15 · F
You got one wrong Evelyn. Eyes: Dreamy. 😏 Lol
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
lol I hate my middle name.. my eyes are disabled lol
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Nat15 · F
@PlumBerries well they are dreamy disabled eyes. :*
Vikings 😊
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
love vikings
english · 56-60, M
is it randomness or laziness you stole this questionaire , i dont even know your first name, now your getting up in my busness lol
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
i also love randomness, my humor consists mostly of such

i dont understand 39 and 40
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
I meant black and the question I didn't get so I put first thing I thought
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M

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