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I Am On Dialysis

Three time a week for 3 hours and 45 minutes. All the blood is taken out and cleaned. Not at once of course. But through a needle in the arm. Always painful when they stick a new spot. Sure there is numbing cream. But that is anothe medication, ans so many go along with Dialysis anyway, because the Kidneys do more then filter and remove water, they provide balance in many things the body needs like minerals and electrolyts. Gatorade could kill a kidney paient. Not likely but posible.

You sit in a chair and watch tv. Or sleep, mine is in the morning, 08:30 so I try to sleep, I usually stay up late, and eat a brownie b4 so I will sleep good in the chair. Then I have a coke after, washed down with Phoserous binders, cause coke is full of phosperous and that is a mineral that is in every thing, the machine cannot pull enough Phospferous out of you. SO you have to eat these huge pills that absorb the phos and constipate you when eliminated.

Well, it is better then the alternative. I would have died in 2011 if not for Dialysis. I love Dialysis for that reason.
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i hope you get well soon

my prayers are with you

get a transplant soon
twistermind · 51-55, F
It sounds very hard. Hope you get a transplant soon.

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