Elevatorpitches · F
What about people who ask for some music from us and they upload some of their own instead? What about our responses? Nobody ever seems to say WHY something musical gets posted either, so why waste our time asking us to listen to your particular thing...it's manipulative.
And people who just want to be admired, so obvious that no objective opinion is really wanted, so it's manipulative and tacky 4 that reason
And people who just pound off any meaningless thing that comes to mind, and illiterate half the time as well...maybe to show they don't have to behave as if they have any idea what to do? What's the point then, and what would u want with us?
And people who talk like YOU don't count but only one special person they have in mind...without identifying of course, and it shows how insulated they are in real life...and its exploitive of all the rest of us and insensitive and boring too, dirty laundry stuff. Craigslist stuff, not suitable for public forums like this.
and the ones who can't deal with your ideas so they attack you or ruin your thread, just to show off their power to destroy...
and the ones who celebrate their brokenness or lump it out for us to "catch", also a sad cry for help, and it only makes us feel helpless
and the ones who act like their lifted and pasted poems mean anything without saying why it should matter to us. That's manipulative too.
So what all these have in common is it feels like they are kinda celebrating their need to invalidate the reader's attention . And sorry, but management has always let us down this way. Blab school or not, management gets paid for everything that happens to us here, and we might not even find a real friend, as if that's just a minor inconvenience for them...
I hate using the S word though, and in fact most truly intellectually challenged people I have met in life are not able to mess up others in quite the ways I feel here and management should be conscious of such serious and often disabling shortcomings in concept design and organization
And people who just want to be admired, so obvious that no objective opinion is really wanted, so it's manipulative and tacky 4 that reason
And people who just pound off any meaningless thing that comes to mind, and illiterate half the time as well...maybe to show they don't have to behave as if they have any idea what to do? What's the point then, and what would u want with us?
And people who talk like YOU don't count but only one special person they have in mind...without identifying of course, and it shows how insulated they are in real life...and its exploitive of all the rest of us and insensitive and boring too, dirty laundry stuff. Craigslist stuff, not suitable for public forums like this.
and the ones who can't deal with your ideas so they attack you or ruin your thread, just to show off their power to destroy...
and the ones who celebrate their brokenness or lump it out for us to "catch", also a sad cry for help, and it only makes us feel helpless
and the ones who act like their lifted and pasted poems mean anything without saying why it should matter to us. That's manipulative too.
So what all these have in common is it feels like they are kinda celebrating their need to invalidate the reader's attention . And sorry, but management has always let us down this way. Blab school or not, management gets paid for everything that happens to us here, and we might not even find a real friend, as if that's just a minor inconvenience for them...
I hate using the S word though, and in fact most truly intellectually challenged people I have met in life are not able to mess up others in quite the ways I feel here and management should be conscious of such serious and often disabling shortcomings in concept design and organization
Mamapolo2016 · F
I think there should be a special group entitled "There is only one answer to this question I will accept. Here it is. Copy & paste."
Success · 26-30, F
That practice is called confirmation bias.
zerofuks2give · 41-45, M
Rhetorical questions?
But.... But... I'm guilty of this 😭 How dare you.
MarmeeMarch · M
I hate when they ask things that they can look up on the internet.
MarmeeMarch · M
@gobacktoyourroomandstudy what are you balling for ?
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