I really know what you're talking about, ... housekeeping is a spirit killer, there's also a french film Jeanne Dielman by Chantal Akerman that depicts the banal horrors it involves ... for it to be doable a routine must be firmly established, and narratively when the routine is disrupted, oh dear ... but the routine itself is the horrific thing to me, and you've got my full respect for doing those things:)
Sunnykel76 · 46-50, F
Ty :)
i don't mind washing dishes. i hate dusting and bathroom cleaning.
Sunnykel76 · 46-50, F
Not fond of that either but dishes I loathe
You need to stop using dishes...😂
Sunnykel76 · 46-50, F
Ikr...or stop cooking all together
Don't know about dishwashing ... but you can borrow my leaf blower for the living room ... 5 minutes and you will be done!
Muddyboggy · 70-79, M
It doesn't make sense for me to use the dishwasher when you have only one plate, one fork, a knife and a pot.

On *intensive my dishwasher needs like 4 hours to complete the wash...I can wash all those dishes in 4 minutes

Look at the plus side, keeps your hands soft 😉
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