You have the power to change your mindset.
Changing that changes everything instantly.
Remember the old axiom: If we always do what we've always done we will always get what we've always got.
You have the power to change your mindset.
Changing that changes everything instantly.
Remember the old axiom: If we always do what we've always done we will always get what we've always got.
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
Exactly, there are takers and givers in the world. I love giving and it's sad that I have to be cautious now.
Awww hugs
I did not mean you do not understand your mind. Changing mindset is just changing the way you think about something, make decisions, choices, and perceptions. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding :)
I did not mean you do not understand your mind. Changing mindset is just changing the way you think about something, make decisions, choices, and perceptions. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding :)
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
Thank Marsane, it's not my mind that I'm not understanding. I understand mine pretty well. :) I do like that axiom... Albert Einstein right... :)
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
Your right. I'll never be able to wrap my head around that. I keep coming up with different theories but that's all they are.

Perhaps you are like me and if you give a lot you think people will eventually come around, but some don't all they know how to do is take. :(

I know the feeling, it comes when I don't think about what I want and give into people who care nothing about me.
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
So true Just. I've been struggling with that for 10 years now.

You have the right to protect yourself.

Just: They won't thank us, I have learned that.