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Hi LoveAge..I am saying,go beyond these zodiacs and descriptions.. the description is not the described, however great the writer or words are... People spend entire life on one description,limiting ,concluding their beautiful life..Life cannot be concluded. If one does, then there is no self learning..
TheLoveAge · 36-40, F
Lol, I know. I wanted to originally post this under 'ten things I want to share about me' but I didn't want to list that many so I posted it here, lol.
I did write a story about what you've just mentioned now. It's a story in ' I want to say this' if you'd like to read it. It'll show you my understanding of this.
I did write a story about what you've just mentioned now. It's a story in ' I want to say this' if you'd like to read it. It'll show you my understanding of this.
Namaste..Please Go beyond this word. Living thing cannot be framed in word or words. :D
Oh cool. I am going to read.
TheLoveAge · 36-40, F
Hi Peaceful! We don't name it we honor it at least that's what I try to do. I'm not sure if I quite understood your statement. Lol.