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I Feel Like I Don't Belong Anywhere

I thought I would be motivated to begin participating again after posting yesterday for the first time in months, but scrolling through the questions and stories here has left me with the bitter taste of disenchantment discouraging me from trying. It's not necessarily due to quality or tact, but rather it's the systemic theme that permeates through the assembly of text people release into the world. I can't really see the posts as isolated musings and standalone questions seeking perspectives and resolutions. I can't simply answer a question without being subdued by the underlying intent. Left and right; up and down; the undertone screams and drowns out the superficial words intended as its proxy.

People come here because they're vying for attention. They want to be heard. Want to feel special. Relevant. Significant. Loved. In absence of therapy, this format serves as a rudimentary surrogate for them to get a brief taste of fulfillment. This website serves as an anchor that keeps people from floating away into the frigid waters of isolation.

A website of this structure only exists for one reason: to allow people to be heard. To give them the opportunity, however temporary, to feel important or valuable. Despite the near total anonymity of the thousands of members here, people keep coming back because the loose network of pseudonyms and faceless profiles provides just enough of a semblance to a community. To a support system. To an audience.

Obviously I can't speak for every single user, but the hidden intentions behind the majority of posts here are far from subtle. They scream, they beg to be noticed. Some louder than others, but none quiet enough to continue ignoring.

And through it all, I can't help but throw my voice into the cacophony. To relinquish myself into the ever-deepening abyss of the nameless hoping to be saved. To lose myself in the unyielding flood of words calling out for attention. And I'm not the only one.

I recognize so many familiar faces that were here when I left a few months ago. Many of those familiar faces are still here from when I joined a little over a year ago. I can't decide whether it's discouraging or comforting to see all those people still waiting to have their needs fulfilled. That seems to be another common theme here: waiting.

Behind every optimistic ending and hopeful spirit is the willingness to wait. I can't say I'm not guilty of this myself. Though the realities of life ensure an inherent difficulty in receiving instant gratification, the acquiescent acceptance of indefinite waits is deeply troubling. It's a passive approach to life fueled by the delusional assumption that good things manifest themselves spontaneously and bequeath themselves to people solely to reward their patience.

And while I understand that patience is necessary in the pursuit of satisfaction, the key word there is 'pursuit'. For those simply waiting, the question needs to be asked: how long? There are many of us, myself included, who have been using this site or sites like this one for years. Trying to abate the creeping despair tethering us to this veneer of community. Realistically, how often does one need to be heard before they're satisfied enough to retire their voice?

Or can it be that we're looking for something more meaningful than being heard? That we put ourselves out there to let the universe know that we're waiting, hoping, for something incredible to happen. Leaving our real-world selves to rot while our digital selves continue onward in vain. Leaning on the crutch of obscurity to say the things we're too afraid to admit anywhere else. As if the mere verbalization of our needs persuades luck to favor our plight.

It's hard to be a member of this site, knowing full well that happy and satisfied people could never entertain a hobby like this for so long. People are here overwhelmingly to fill the hole in their lives that keeps them from going out and living. Seeing these questions and stories and how they all beg for attention is disillusioning. And yet I can't extricate myself from the crowd; posting this here without ever really addressing the irony. Falling in line with the rest of the nameless, faceless deluge of profiles all competing for the chance to feel special.

Anyways, enough of that. Here's a bit of levity to balance things out:

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Love4All · 56-60, F
You are a great writer, very eloquent writing, if not, I would not have been able to read your entire post. I believe you write some truths but your generalizations were offensive, at least to me.
I'm fairly new here, I stumbled upon SW when I googled something and an EP post appeared that drew my attention and the sincerity and information was what I had been looking for with therapists and online for months.
I immediately signed up because I was also fed up with the lack of sincerity and honesty in 'Real' life: at work you have to make nice, bills must be paid, family is supportive yet there are things you can't express, community groups everything's great, good. For me it is extremely frustrating especially when I know or can see what others are really thinking, criticizing, or really wishing for me/others.
In the time I've been here I ve learned a lot about myself and others. I've laughed a lot, enjoyed some pics and reflected on my life, my process. I'm not here a lot, work, family, etc but keep coming back. I know that maybe I won't come back if it is more damaging than helpful/enjoyable.
@Love4All I've been doing this regularly for over 5 years. I too had fun my first few months.

I guess now that I think about it, this place is kind of like a bar. It's a place to go to let loose and avoid reality. Going once a week or only a few times a month isn't so bad, but when it's daily or near daily, something's wrong.

I guess that's part of the disillusionment. Seeing the same faces I've been seeing for years. People aren't getting better, or at least only a grueling pace. Then you realize you aren't different from them, that you're not getting better either. It makes you wonder if you're always going to live with a hole inside you.
There are exceptions, but I can't say I disagree with you. We're all here to express and be heard.

The progress of The Pursuit tends to be slow, so places like these help to tide you over in the meantime.
It's all some people have.

It's hard not to get sucked into just expressing and then mulling ovet and ruminating... but it's good to have anywhere you can say things that can't be said or won't be heard elsewhere. Even if it can be unhelpful and disillusioning at times, it makes sense in a way, that this place isn't the most positive.

Feeling like people can relate to you/you can relate to them is a powerful thing.

I can understand that this place is better in small doses, and better avoided altogether for some.
LightPinkLace · 56-60, C
You bring up many interesting, and sobering, points.
It’s better than having a porn addiction wouldn’t you say? You write very well.
@SW-User I wouldn't know. Never had one
@SW-User Me neither, but I’d assume as much.
Ugh. Is there nothing positive to say or offer? It's not all a flaming pile of dog shit. There are benefits to being on SW, mostly genuine connections with people, and yeah, the ability to be recognized, supported, and to offer the same to others. I wouldn't have met you if I never joined ExperienceProject! What the fuck...

You make some valid points, but you also lump everything together and devalue the sincere people on here. Fuck, if you feel that sorry for yourself, what kind of crowd are you going to attract? Nobody wants to be a part of total cynicism without any acknowledgement of personal responsibility... Just 'cause you're not doing anything to change doesn't mean everyone here is worthless. We're not all the same. And I know I'm growing, just like the people I connect with on here, who I hope to eventually meet in person, like I met you and [him]. Bash it all you want, but right now this website is a necessary resource to me and many others, and I am glad to have SW and all my friends here. It's important. "You get out what you put in," as they say.
@lovelywarpedlemon There are. I touched on them briefly, but I was never out to make a case for or against this site. I was just stating my observations.

Although my experience apparently differ from yours. I never felt recognized or supported. I probably wouldn't have written this if I had. And as for offering the same, I've tried. It never seemed to make a difference. Yes, we did meet online, but how many of your posts are about not having friends or support? How can I say I have when I keep seeing that?

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