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If George Soros's stated purpose is the destruction of the United States, which he hates, then WHY are Democrats supporting him?

George Soros is a communist atheist billionaire. He is presently funding the political campaigns of three, (at least), Democrat prosecutors in the southern states for the 2020 elections. His goal is to cherry pick which laws will be prosecuted, and which laws will not.

Reading many articles this morning, (both right and left slanted), it appears that George Soros is using his billions to pay for activists who promote caravans, using his billions to pay to change our politics to suppress our current laws, and promote change which will allow drugs to flood in, and is funding ANY radical left wing group he can find, particularly Media Matters.
katielass · F Best Comment
Because they have the same goal.

curiosi · 61-69, F
Evil recognizes and applauds evil.
@puck61 If you can prove he said it, then fine. I don't care what your politics are. Lying is lying, and it's against any sane code of morality to lie to further your cause. But I don't care what your friends or grandparents said. They could lie too. They could misquote. If it's not on the record, I'm not buying it.
@anoriginalgentleman Fair enough. It's just that leftists are infamously selective about the hearsay they choose to believe. When it suites their narrative, they believe outrageous things. When it goes against their narrative, it is anything from speculation to an all out lie.
@puck61 That unfortunate trait of humanity isn't confined to leftists.
TexChik · F
There ain't nothin’ a lib won't do for money...and you can throw in rinos and a few slimy republicans. Term limits on congress stops all of this corruption...and like in the case of would stop guys like Elijah Cummings from making 1.5 B in fed relief funds from disappearing .
4meAndyou · F
@TexChik Did you see up above, the link that states BOTH Judge DiGenova and his wife, who is a lawyer, have noted that the Whistleblower in the present impeachment process signs all of his documents using the initials of Media Matters, which is funded by George Soros?
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
The walls are closing in on Barack Hussein Obama and his treason against all of us.
TexChik · F
@therighttothink50 Trump likely won’t pardon him ... but if Obama goes down Soros goes with him
xRedx · M
Oh democrats and the lefties don't wanna see this lol
curiosi · 61-69, F
@xRedx You called it! Didn't take long for the leftie to post "snopes" the leftist, dishonest rag!
4meAndyou · F
@curiosi Snopes is okay on the fact check. I added the real quote from Soros, which snopes found on their fact check, down below.
@4meAndyou The "real quote" was fabricated from another blog. You didn't post in context the closest thing to it, which was about the financial crisis. You're still being disingenuous. Insisting on accuracy doesn't make me a "lefty." In fact, why would any "lefty" want conservatism to be more credible?
Penny · 46-50, F
wonder what his problem is with the US
4meAndyou · F
@puck61 I was quite interested to learn that he is doing the same thing in countries all over the world.
@4meAndyou He has his little Swedish girl now, too.
4meAndyou · F
@puck61 Ewwww. I hope she put her money demands in writing.
Because they want to destroy and re-mold our society into something else... something they can control.
communist atheist billionaire, sounds like my kind of person.

ave satanas, Dance in the grave yards and revel in sin. Fuck christianity. I wish I could invent a time machine so if jesus really did exist I could nail him even higher on that cross.

@4meAndyou You're bad at this. If you want to make a point, make it from fact. Making things up doesn't help your credibility or convince anyone about the ideologies you support. If your case is "I swear he said it even though there's no record of it" - that doesn't hold up. But you won't believe anyone or anything - so continue to be deluded and post to your fanclub. Hope it sends a tingle up your leg.
4meAndyou · F
@anoriginalgentleman Thank you. Tingling right now from disliking your snottiness.
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Quizzical · 46-50, M
At least he's Atheist, so he's got something in his favour 😁

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