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Whether you agree or disagree with a so called memo none of has seen aren’t the media and the Dems trying to squash free speech?

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Pherick · 41-45, M
I was actually thinking the opposite. It was the Republicans who wouldn't allow the minority in the committee to release a rebuttal memo.
Pherick · 41-45, M
@jackjjackson Really? I mean you seem to see everything in politics wrong, so I guess it's not surprising you are seeing this wrong.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Not agreeing with you is evidence of correct logical thought. No offenses intended OF COURSE. @Pherick
Pherick · 41-45, M
@jackjjackson Do you really think you are being witty or winning anything here? Every post in this thread is you getting bitch-slapped by someone smarter and more eloquent.

Let me try your way of communication, maybe you will get it.

RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
And how they (and you) cried about Hillary Clinton mishandling classified information. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@Pherick Idiot.

She worked for him for decades. Their differences arose over a picture she claimed he had of her in his desk.

She was fired for the lie she told.


Stick that victim mentality as far up your and her backside as far as it goes.

Now I implore you. FUCK OFF
Pherick · 41-45, M
@SteelHands Oh so she is good enough to trot out when you need to claim trump hired a women, but she apparently wasn't a very good employee?

You really need to get your story straight.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@Pherick Simple fact.

Just like you someone does something for her for decades and she had no issues.

Then when she wanted to play tyrant and found out she wasn't the boss she got it broke off in her ass.

Now just like you. Whine whine whine.

I informed you and you kicked me.

I informed you better.

You kicked me again.

So I said fuckoff.

So you played the victim.

Now. Go the fuck away you speck of pathetic shit.
Northwest · M
Really? because I thought the GOP quashed the release of the Demos memo.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
It goes further. It reveals what was used to get the FISA wiretap warrants. It reveals that the warrants were wrongfully obtained. Evidence produced as a result of I proerly obtained warrants is not admisssble. Whatever cases they had if any just vanished. @Northwest
Northwest · M
@jackjjackson Interesting, because the only person mentioned is Page Carter. Flynn's plea agreement and Manafort's have nothing to do with this, but keep digging.

The entire objective of this "memo" is to justify the upcoming firing of Rosenstein. Note that Steele had been used, prior, as a reliable source, that expose corruption within FIFA, which is what gave him credibility with the FBI.

In any case, the memo conveniently forgets to mention that the famous Dossier, was initially started for a GOP PAC.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
It was? That’s not what the money trail says. It initially started to steamroller poor innocent Senator Sanders. @Northwest
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
This is only the tip of the iceberg. All that follows in the coming weeks will expose the weaponization of US intelligence agencies by our "trusted" globalist politicians, this treason and corruption is beyond anybody's wildest imagination. Barack Obama was a foreign agent and flooded the highest levels of the US intelligence agencies with his demonic minions. Anybody with two eyes and ears can see how this demonic man tried to destroy this country. The democrat party is gone, they hate themselves, they hate America, they hate freedom and they hate the rule of law.

Obama lead the democrats on this path, a path where Obama and his party within their own delusion felt that they were immmune to justice, immune to reality, immune to any repercussions regarding the breaking of the law. Their judgment draweth near and their sick and vile warped godless ideology is about to become irrelevant.

I find it ironic that the deep state, the police state Obama facilitated, embraced and worshipped is going to fully expose him and many others at the top levels of government. Their judgment draweth nigh. Their will be no reprieve from the Marxist tooth fairy this time. Just remember what is released today is just a mere sprinkling of the avalanche of evidence which is about to come in tidal waves over the next few weeks and months. Game over, globalism, Marxism and the totalitarian fascist liberal utopian nightmare is coming to a much needed conclusion. The Schiff is about to hit the fan and their will be no place to hide for those who betrayed the trust of the American citizenry.

The media really can't quash free speech. Nor can a minority on a committee.

I get your point, but this is both sides playing with national security and selective disclosure.

It's political, which is what happens when a legislative body extends itself to quasi judicial activities.

Of course, what's the best example of that.... Starts with an I, and it's not going to happen unless and until Trump makes himself look so dirty that even Republicans vote for it.

Sure looks like Trump is trying to do down that road then. The one side only release looks bad.
@katielass I gotta go back to work, but, read carefully. McCabe said he wouldn't have asked for the warrant, he didn't say it couldn't have been obtained, just that it wouldn't have.

The deal with the exclusionary rule/poisonous tree thing is all about whether there is other evidence, which is really why one side's story is pretty much not so useful, especially when edited for security purposes.

I'm not saying it doesn't support the narrative, just saying it doesn't necessarily tell the whole story.

This is not calculated to get indictments dismissed, even if the underlying facts might. It's calculated for public consumption and political purposes.
katielass · F
@MistyCee You can try to paint this as a partisan effort, I'm fine with that. I happen to believe all the info should be put out there. But the fact remains that the FBI reviewed this memo and stated it is factually accurate. They state there is info not included in the memo but I fail to see how anything left out can possibly mitigate these facts. In other words, the facts presented in the memo are factually accurate and no additions can make them untrue.
@katielass I'm not arguing with you about your failures, or saying that the underlying facts aren't even important pieces of the puzzle.

But taking some pieces out of the box isn't the same as putting the whole puzzle together.
I'm trying to find the massive import of this memory. Seems like---

@jackjjackson A judge has to throw out evidence, and the argument about whether this memo should even be admissible at a hearing, much less be given any weight will be interesting. My guess is it will be "taken into consideration" and ignored for the most part, at best.

Now, if you could put Nunes under oath and cross examine him, maybe...

Think he'd be willing?
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Hmmm. “Well Judge we used information we knew was false to get the FISA court to give us warrants ... that's OK right?” Ruth Bader Ginsberg might present to believe that .... 🤔

@jackjjackson that's not quite what it says, and even if it did, the next question is, what else do you have and how did you get it?

Which is why releasing one side is pretty annoying, IMO.
katielass · F
I've been laughing at all the dems and media who had not read or seen the memo blasting it as this or that. You just gotta laugh at that kind of stupid. And cry at the idiots who fall for it.

Now that we know what the memo says we can clearly see it has nothing to do with national security and we can also see that in light of these facts there can be nothing Schiff can put in his own memo to mitigate these charges. No wonder the dems were so desperate to keep this from the American people.
@jackjjackson yeah, and I just skimmed the memo. Nothing new or earth shattering.

Makes you wonder how a response could have national security concerns, though, unless there's something in there that's not in here.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Let’s get the facts straight. The Dems said that the Nunes memo was going to compromise national seniors interests. It appears the Dems memo will be released. Another tempest in a teapot. . @MistyCee
@jackjjackson Yup, just like this memo. So why the urgency to release either one now, much less one before the other?

Because it sure looks like it's about politics and setting things up to shut down and/or discredit the "witch Hunt" before they catch a witch.

Which, is also, nothing we don't know.

Damn, I should have been a poet.
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frequentlyme · 70-79, M
Or trying to squash lies. It's all a matter of perceptions, which for each person, is reality.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt until you resorted to the name calling. You proved my point. Not that it’s a surprise. @frequentlyme
frequentlyme · 70-79, M
So, and this is the end of the conversation. I did not call you a name. You offered the inane response: "I nailed your point. You just don’t like being exposed", which clearly shows you nailed nothing, and exposed nothing, and still haven't.

I am however, smart enough to know not to join in a battle when I am unarmed - something you might want to do when trying to converse intelligently.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
More name calling. Adios.

Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Freedom of speech ?
Regarding a memo allegedly about intelligence info ?

The two aren't compatible are they ?
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luckranger71 · 51-55, M
A memo prepared by Republicans, whose release is controlled by Republicans. Yeah, that’s the fault of Democrats.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
All this memo shit is hyperboly and distraction.

FISA apps are the real evidence. Go ask any fmr atty gen if you think I'm talking out my hiney.

There's gonna be plenty of meat on them bones that makes Watergate look like a playground fight between a deaf kid and a mute.

SteelHands · 61-69, M
@jackjjackson I'm not gonna even think they'd have been approved if those who did weren't in one room when they went active.

Man that taters hot, aina?
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
We will see how hot later today. @SteelHands
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@jackjjackson Whenever. I have oven mitts on the nail where the vittles are prepared.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
I don't think freedom of speech applies in law or intent to government officials publishing classified information. Otherwise there'd be no such thing as classified.
katielass · F
hey jack, what do you make of comey tweeting so much nonsense in the past few days. His ass is in very hot water, I'd think he'd want to lay low.
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