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I Believe In Justice For All People

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America”

When we pronounce the pledge, is it merely an obligatory ritual or do we listen attentively to all of the words and take them seriously?
The last words of the pledge are perhaps some of the most countercultural words of commitment we can speak: “with liberty and justice for all.”

Our ancestors envisioned a nation wherein liberty and justice would be for all people.

For some, however, “liberty” has been reduced to a license for self-centeredness and “justice” has been diminished to mere retaliatory or punitive action.

dictionaries routinely define liberty as “the state of being free,” liberty is however much more then that.

The historical American concept of liberty is not that one is free to do as one pleases without accountability for the consequences of one’s actions.

Rather, our heritage of liberty means that we are not owned or enslaved by another person or power.

True liberty calls on us to express ourselves with civility and to respect the rights of those who think differently to do the same.

Justice is commonly perceived as “the assignment of merited rewards or punishment.”Justice strives to create viable opportunities for all persons to succeed economically, vocationally and socially. Real justice seeks to create opportunities for the disadvantaged.

The phrase “for all” is inclusive, not discriminatory. “For all” means we aim to provide and protect liberty and justice for all individuals regardless of gender, race, economic status, political ideology or religious background.

To preserve liberty and justice for the privileged few is indicative of a shallow theology and an uninformed and I are blessed to enjoy the privileges of freedom, many around our world still live under tyranny and can only dream of liberty and justice.

we must pledge ourselves to continue to work for liberty and justice for all persons in the future.

Liberty and justice are not just political ideals. They are social tenets that affirm intrinsic human worth. In order to truly “let freedom ring,” we must work together to “let justice roll.”

Justice for all
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Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
Hello Sir Rick. Those r such great words. Liberty 🗽 and justice for all. Envisioned for all? Only in a perfect society. A perfect world 🗺. U speak of the forefathers. How they perceived what liberty 🗽 and justice for a new country independent country. Freedom from Great Britain. And her majesty the Queen of England. Yet ther weren't any such thing as justice for the native American and certainly not for the African who were brought here as a slave. Stolen from Africa 🌍 brought to the USA 🇺🇸 as property no better than the cattle on the market. Not even considered as a human being, less than human. And was treated as such. Ther weren't justice for them not unless u count the many that were brutally beaten and mistreated in every way imaginable. Ther justice was at the end of a rope. it did not matter if they were women and children. It was all the same so when in 1776 the decoration of independence was signed. By the great forefathers. It certainly wasn't meant for the black people of Africa descent so I can't imagine why they would want to celebrate such a holiday as the 4th July.? 😂 Ther wasn't any justice for them. Nor even to ther black people living in this country day. And that was almost 500 years ago. The Great white Lie 🤥? If any one think this country is so Great they r blinded. Built upon decete theft and genocide of a race of peoples. The Native American and the black American. Built upon A Great Lie. What beautiful words though brother many haven't any idea what went on. And if they did they can careless abt it. Idc anyone says. The USA 🇺🇸 is Satan's capital of the world 🗺. 😂. Yes it is. Love u brother
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@Justiceforall brilliant brother Rick originally the Black people who were frist sold in slavery were prisoner of war. So they sold them to the British for gold 🥇. Not free man. But rivals in a war. And the chieftains that held them captive listened to the bithish and exchanged them for Gold it wasn't like they sold ther own family but prisoners of war. That is all. But seeing how they could make money off of them decided to go steal and capture the ones who were not being held captive. They stole them from a long the costal shore lines of Africa west Africa to b exact. So they could make a hasty dash bk to the ships without any problem at all. For the people of western Africa didn't have guns. Just spears. And knifes they dared not venture into the interior of Africa. Not at all. But British people decided it was wrong. And abolished it. But the USA didn't and kept right on stealing them for hundreds of years after it was abloshised in Europe. They kept it going for centuries after. History is a tricky thing. Told by those who had the power. Not by those being oppressed but by oppressors. U should kn that. Does anyone care to here abt the history of the noble savages? Or those who were their conquers!!! The history of this country is Bathed in the blood of the red black and yellow people.. And glorified by an evil and corrupted people. No intentions of being equal with anyone but self. So the history present is a lie told by the the ones who conquer and destroy. The dark history of this country. Haven't been made public. 😂. Yes I kn. It's a crying shame to b part of the ones who caused all that suffering and lost of life. If u don't remember history we r doomed to repeat it. Love u brother Rick. Ab'ben
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@Justiceforall and I forgot to say this. The Chinese that worked on the railroads weren't in slavery and was paid for ther labour. While the black people who were in slaved was paid anything. But the rope on trees or the whips on ther backs. They were stolen from Africa they didn't come of ther own free will. And countless numbers of them died abroad the slave ships crossing the Atlantic Ocean. Stacked like sardines. Families separated divided. Women and children. Brutally raped and murdered. Other countries has made reperations for the people they have wronged and killed. Only the USA 🇺🇸 refused to do so. The promises of 30 acres and a mule have long passed and still the bk Americans have received nothing but the same. And as long as ther is people in this country the majority of white Americans has the same mindset as the one they voted into office President Trump. With his lets make America Great again.speach. Like it was 400yrs ago nothing could possibly get better but the opposite. When will the people wake up or step up and put an End to this planned genocide of the black people in this country and aboard. It is easy to talk abt making a difference.but so so hard to step forward and do it. Anytime u have a president that cateer to Nazi ideology. Mr trump and most definitely. Ronald Ragan. And George Bush Sr. One of them went over to Germany and saluted the SS Nazi graves. Should have been a warning of what's to follow. And if u ever watch the history Channels? U will find something on Abt Hilter and the Nazi history on every single day. Of the year. Believe that. Br Rick. Go turn on the TV right now and surf the channels and u will find something on abt it. Guaranteed. 😂.and let's not talk abt the plight of the Native American people. Reservations in stead of killing them all decide to save some. 😂 Yea its Ture. Love u Ab'ben
@Abbenthewarwolf save some of them lol 😂 packing them on reservations, letting them starve, taking away there Indian names, beating them for talking in the native language. I can kind of see where the Nazis got there idea for the camps they sent the jews to. They has been alot of things on I agree with you there, somethings can be on every day and for month after month like everyone needs to see it over and over, kind of like they want you to believe it or brain wash you into believing it.
Justice for all

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