Pretzel · 61-69, M
I HATE nature sometimes
HifromJim · M
Have you tried a local honey in tea or coffee, or on your breakfast? I find it helps.
Pfuzylogic · M
It is so easy to forget our ailments when caught up in the moment! 😊
NudistsintheUK · 41-45, M
Im the same awkward had to rush to my parents for tablets but had 2 in the packet so i left it ,
Mines worse from march or late Feb if nice,til late April.. grass being cut around this time,really sets me off .
A together now...awwwww
A together now...awwwww
river52 · 70-79, M
Hope you get some sleep.
For the first time ever with my hayfever,I'm getting a wheezy chest. Not all the time,but a few so far
Ive had that before sorry to hear
DaySpider · 26-30, F
@TimingQuasars Luckily was just a few days really :)
@DaySpider yes thats good ive had my faur shair of colds and fevers and plugged nose at night. Its annoying af. Recently i got over a fever and was introduced to vaporub under the nose i guess on chest too idk why but thats how i was told jaja ut worked i slept better ny nose wasnt plugged after that
wheels1972 · M
there is some good over the counter stuff
funfan · 51-55, M
I so hope you're better now on Earth Day!
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Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
BearDownChicago · 41-45, M
Miserable experience. This last two weeks even with allergy medicine I cannot stop sneezing and having the itchy watery eyes. Ugh it sucks